wasn't trying to be insulting, i was just saying. different songs require different treatment during the mastering process and there's no such thing as a one-size-fits-all mastering preset/chain/setting. i mean, i guess you can throw on izotope ozone and pick a preset and it might sound okay (to you, at least) but that's not really gonna help you in the long run cuz you're not learning anything. you don't add a plug-in or pick a setting "just because", do it for a reason. given that, i don't have a preset mastering chain, i have things that i'd usually have on my signal chain, like an eq (or 2), a compressor (or 2) and a limiter. as for other stuff, if i think it helps i might have a saturation plugin on there, maybe a stereo imager...that type of stuff.
also, i didn't say you shouldn't use a multi-band, i said you shouldn't use one unless you know how to use it...and again, don't put one on "just because", either the track needs it or it doesn't. by the way, a lot of professional mastering engineers totally shy away from MBCs and/or very rarely use them. i'd say they have more use in the mix than they do for mastering.i don't even know why you'd need one if you're mastering your own shyt anyways cuz you could just go back and fix whatever problem you think you need a MBC for in the mix.
speaking of mixing, you should get that part straight way before you start worrying about your mastering game.