Dominating a future hall of famer is not impressive?
Lara and trout are slick technical fighters they are always gonna give canelo problemslil g on the other hand is a monotonous, predictable seek and destroy guy. Nelo gone knock him out with a nasty counter
No disrespect, but how long you been watching boxing?
I've been watching boxing all my life but i'll be the first to tell you, i'm not a boxing aficionado. I've stated that COUNTLESS times since i've been posting here on the regular since last year. Still, doesn't change my opinion that the fight was a dud. I know Cotto was being a bit cagey at times respecting Canelo's power, can't blame em, but I felt when Canelo starting stringing together a few rounds in the middle of the fight, he'd press a little more but he didn't.
Not that I expected Canelo to floor Cotto or stop em, but I thought that he would have been more in control of the fight than what he was. Why do I say this? Just feel like Cotto is a damn shell of himself at this point in his career.