Of course its fine to have entertainment value to wrestling but dudes still gotta wrestle. What made Taker dope was he could do shyt in the ring that you didnt expect others . Someone of that height with the agility to spring into action, walk the ropes etc. Thats the key thing and that was what they forgot with Bray. Its like someone learned all the basic stuff that they thought taker over and not in the intagibales. So people leaping all the way to the other side saying wrestling needs to be characters and storytelling, yeah I get that but Im sorry there needs to be the ability to do something in the ring with it. Otherwise this shyt is 1995 WCW Dungeon of Doom shyt.
Bray has some suff thats wrestling that he can incorporate into matches thats still true to character (`the necksnap is a little too suspension of disbelief ) so if he can figure that out, he'll be fine. But lets not kid ourselves and act like characters and storytelling is all that sneeded especially when pro wrestling struggles with and is out of touch and why it gets mocked how it does. A 6 year old liking it is not a ringing endorsment