That was the entire point of my post. Of course they just thinking about sex. Hence these women being in their prime looks wise. It’s not rocket science
but also, you’re not talking about rocket science. Look at the coli.. or Facebook. Or twitter. All day we find stupid ass shyt to talk about. Or smart ass shyt. Or funny. Or whatever. But we find common ground.
if you can crack jokes, laugh, talk about music, movies, politics, go dance, go out to eat, read a book together........ you can date. We act like their 12.
We have all met people wise beyond their age. Or mature for any age. Or smarter than us but younger. Or more accomplished and younger.
I haven’t dated someone that young ever. Not that gap and not even close. But I don’t see them as some weird ass pedo unless she looks 16, acts 16 and is 18.