I have no idea.Who are the writers now?
I have no idea.Who are the writers now?
Or that he's outgrown. At least thats what it sounds like to me.I honestly think Aaron started to feel the weight of the continuing controversy from a business/career perspective because his last lines about "...leaving that all behind..." is indirectly telling a struggle he no longer wants to deal with.
The Wing Men episode was garbage...
Man I'm just going off Rodney's words (co-writer) that I heard him speak straight out of his mouth..."just because the creator didnt contribute"
I think youre under-selling what Aaron McGruder is to the Boondocks. Not only did he create the characters and show, but its his vision. He has a vision for how the show is supposed to be created and given to his audience. His vision is not only dependent on social events but its also un-replaceable. Alot of the true fans of the show fell in love wit the show because of Aaron's vision and social commentary embedded in the show. This isnt something you can just replace with other writers. So, people are justified in their concern. Now, I did read some of the same writers from previous season will be back, but who's vision are they writing from?
You don't understand sarcasm do you...I honestly think Aaron started to feel the weight of the continuing controversy from a business/career perspective because his last lines about "...leaving that all behind..." is indirectly telling a struggle he no longer wants to deal with.
Rodney BarnesWho are the writers now?
People never cease to amaze me people are complaining about Season #4 of "The Boondocks" just because they know the creator Aaron Mcgruder wasn't apart of the writing process...
To be 100% real I just saw a trailer for Season #4 and I can't tell a damn difference.
People just want to complain to complain.
I have confidence in the writing team and all the voice over actors.
Let's not act like every episode of The Boondocks was solid gold...
The Kick ball episode was garbage...
The Riley basketball episode was garbage...
The Itis episode was garbage...
The Wing Men episode was garbage...