Floyd Mayweather Sr.: Floyd vs Pacquiao is gonna happen...trust me. It's definitely gonna happen!

Jesus Is Lord

Give Thanks, Repent, and Forgive
Apr 30, 2012
It's going to happen, I believe Floyd Joy Sr. @Newzz, your assessment on how to try to beat Floyd is great, however, I'd question punching his shoulders when he should rolls, why? Because he makes them all pay for punching his shoulders by catching and shooting back, the difference between Floyd rolling and other fighters who roll is the effectiveness of his shoots after the catch, those frustrate too many opponents, (see Ginger), he tried to tear Floyd's shoulders up but he PAID for it and scrapped that whole method after a while, which left him with no other alternatives and that led to a blow out.

Floyd always tries to block jabs to the gut (see Shane and I think Zab) for some reason and he'll drop that guard. I feel the way to beat this older version of Floyd is to go the Chino route, bottom line. Manny has a huge puncher's chance vs. Floyd but like pops said, he's tailor made for him and he'll eat rights all day ala all the other south paws Floyd defeated AND I think Manny isn't physically strong enough to corral Floyd like a bully should.
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We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
The sad reality is that, although this fight will be the highest paying fight for both of them and will be finally what the fans want to see, the fight would have been 100x better if both were still in their primes. I'm convinced PacMan is over the hill, and Floyd is on his way down as well, albeit not as fast as Manny. If this was 2009 though...and we got to see prime Floyd against the prime knockout artist Pacquiao...:ohlawd: :gladbron:
May 15, 2012
I would duck the fight:youngsabo:

Manny's resume/legacy at 147 would be alot better if he's able to retire without 2 losses to Floyd on it and the public thinking that he actually could win:sas2:

But to answer you, I would have Manny Pacquiao pressure the HELL out of Floyd, but doing it with smart combinations...since Floyd only throws 1 punch at a time.

In order for Manny to beat Floyd, I believe he has to either KO him or have the stamina to outwork Floyd's accuracy .What I mean by the latter is, Floyd is gonna always connect at a much higher percentage than you. It's pretty much a given. You have to be able to outland him 2 to 1 though, and the only way that would happen is if you can maintain faster pace than he fights at and also thowing punches in bunches.

The 2009 Manny Pacquiao could sustain that pace, 2014 Pacquiao...I dont know.

Also, with the whole "outworking Floyd" thing, I also believe people go to his head too much and dont vary their attack enough. Body work and shoulder shots early in the fight, will lower that high shoulder roll that he likes to stand behind late in the fight, and I believe will help make it a little easier to catch Floyd with some over the top shots in the center of the ring....especially with Manny's hand speed.

The most important thing though? JAB! Nobody likes to jab Floyd and think you have to just swing for the fences. No. A quick right jab, then duck under the counter right Floyd is undoubtedly going to send back to you, and left hook to the body will be there for you in the center of the ring. Hit that a few times on him, and Floyd is gonna wait on it to counter you with an uppercut on the duck. You then right jab, feint the left hook to the body (Floyd's gonna try the uppercut) and hit Floyd with a counter left hook off his uppercut.

I would definitely train Manny for speed and stamina though, because he's already a left handed power puncher. I would just wanna make sure he can go the full 12 throwing at least 80 punches a round on average and try and use his feet to avoid and get out of the way of Floyd's pinpoint lasers.

This exactly what everybody says, and it never works

only way to beat Floyd is beat him at his own game

only way Floyd can lose is at his own game, and the only why you can do that is you gotta have power to make that counter count

Throwing a bunch of punches ain't gonna work,

you're gonna fight Floyd's fight and counter is counter, hopefully stun him long enough you can go in for the KO, its gotta patience and intelligence, Cotto and Maidana both landed their jabs on mayweather, but only for so long before he just negated them

only way he can lose Keith Thurman gets it that's why he will be the biggest challenge for floyd



"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
It's going to happen, I believe Floyd Joy Sr. @Newzz, your assessment on how to try to beat Floyd is great, however, I'd question punching his shoulders when he should rolls, why? Because he makes them all pay for punching his shoulders by catching and shooting back, the difference between Floyd rolling and other fighters who roll is the effectiveness of his shoots after the punch, those frustrate too many opponents, (see Ginger), he tried to tear Floyd's shoulders up but he PAID for it and scrapped that whole method after a while, which left him with no other alternatives and that led to a blow out.

Floyd always tries to block jabs to the gut (see Shane and I think Zab) for some reason and he'll drop that guard. I feel the way to beat this older version of Floyd is to go the Chino route, bottom line. Manny has a huge puncher's chance vs. Floyd but like pops said, he's tailor made for him and he'll eat rights all day ala all the other south paws Floyd defeated AND I think Manny isn't physically strong enough to corral Floyd like a bully should.

Nobody has ever solved the "Mayvinci Code".....good ol' Newzz doesn't have the exact way to beat him either.

He retires undefeated:wow:


night owl
May 27, 2012
P.G. County
I have a feeling it'll do under the Canelo numbers, and Manny will get vilified later on down the line
The only scenario where this isn't the biggest ppv is if Pac absolutely gets destroyed in November. Everybody who ordered May v Canelo will order May v Pac. And there are millions more Americans who hadn't heard of Canelo that know who Pac is. I say unless there is a disaster in November, May v Pac will do close to 3.3. :wow: can you imagine all the sports shows leading up to this.
"Mayweather's final hour in the ring"
"Fight of the millennium"
"Thrilla in Manila 2"

:sadcam: please make this fight happen.

Tide Run This

May 26, 2012
Garnet N Gold
It really is one of the last dream matches to the casual fan. After working earlier and telling some of my boys about what @Newzz posted they were all pretty jacked up and a good amount of them are burned out on the sweet science in 2014. They want the fight even though both are well past their peak eras. I really hope it gets made even though it may have been years too late. There are only so many Pac vs Algerai's and Floyd vs random midcarder matches people wanna see at this point in their careers.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
I think it would be a similar scorecard, but Floyd's victory over Manny Pacquiao would be more of a boxing clinic where the victory of Zab was more of a, like you said, being mentally overwhelmed.

I say 7-5 either way. When was the last time Floyd was in the ring with a guy that moves and punches from angles like Manny? And the last time Manny was in the ring with a superior counterpuncher... :deadmanny:


Colfax to the burbs'
May 8, 2012
goons in the cut tryna talk you out yo necklace
Pacquiao will beat Floyd, I just hope the world is prepared for when it happens... yall can keep talking all that conjecture about what Floyd( who struggled against Devon and Khan leftovers) is gonna do. It wont change a thing..
:sas1: Pac couldn't knock out Bam Bam stand there Rios and will have his hands full with Algeiri, you know damn well Pac gonna chew on rights all night.

Anyhoo :sas2: says fights in May too for what its worth