Black Ball
Well for starters there has to be an argument for me to counter argue... He made a baseless claime that SRR ducked all these people he just googled up all I asked for him to do was go into detail about any of it.. he refusef to do so and I called him out on it...
If I say Floydie a ducked Amir Khan (which he actually did before Khans jaw was exposed)and give no
explanation of how he ducked Khan nikkas be likethe fukk are you talking about... explain yourself
I mean if they are baseless, then wouldn't it be more effecitve to take 1 name, break the situation down, and make Skip look foolish, basically nullifying the rest of the names he mentioned. It would at least force him to defend his point and bring value to the discussion. If he couldn't defend it, then you have actually exposed him. But as of now, it makes Skip look knowledgeable and you look like you don't have a legitimate response.
If you claim that Floyd ducked Khan, I would ask you a specific question like, "Who did Floyd fight instead"? That at least gets a debate going. If you say some shyt like, "Oh he fought ODH instead of Khan", it would make you look foolish.