breh you stalk me much? I don't even know who you are! You claim to hold weight but you either a) don't know shyt about boxing or b) hate Mayweather so you made up a bunch of b.s. to try to discredit him
and there you go perpetuating this bullshyt that chicago started. Link anything I stated that's racist, I've proven I'm black . Prove that you know an iota about boxing cuz right now you look like Larry Holmes - flabby and sick with your analysis.
The MMA Thread is that way

Night of the boxers vs. pressure fighters.
I think we need at least one type of fan friendly brawling match up that should end up as a KO/TKO. When you have too many fights that go the distance, the night seems to take forever to move along to the main event.
I would go with @TheNig suggestion of Rios vs Ortiz

I'd GLADLY pay $110 for Rigo vs LSC, Rios vs Ortiz, Khan vs Bradley, and Floyd vs Pac