before he fought Shane? No he didntTo be fair Floyd just finished doing a stretch of some hard time in the pen before the fight

before he fought Shane? No he didntTo be fair Floyd just finished doing a stretch of some hard time in the pen before the fight
U stan the hardestIt has to be between @Master Teacher @LeVraiPapi or @seemorecizzy. nobody stans Floyd harder than them 3 clown ass nikkas
you stan Floyd mayweather more than anyone, you live in this thread, everyday you wake up, crawl out of your card board box in the alley make sure your extension cord is still plugged in the outlet outside and log in, talking about Floyd mayweather
And he's a puccy in real stan Floyd mayweather more than anyone, you live in this thread, everyday you wake up, crawl out of your card board box in the alley make sure your extension cord is still plugged in the outlet outside and log in, talking about Floyd mayweather
It has to be between @Master Teacher @LeVraiPapi or @seemorecizzy. nobody stans Floyd harder than them 3 clown ass nikkas
you stan Floyd mayweather more than anyone, you live in this thread, everyday you wake up, crawl out of your card board box in the alley make sure your extension cord is still plugged in the outlet outside and log in, talking about Floyd mayweather
i agree
24/7 shyts on all access
The official thread needs to be a joint production jus like the PPV
Skip & Black_Arum
i really cant wait to get you the fukk outta hereAye you a real clown breh... What you should be asking is what has Floyd done comparable to The Fighter of The Decade in the past 6 years
Dont say ppvs cause you know everybody wants to pay to see that c00n get his ass beat so of corse he sold more overall...
Canelo?? If Canelo could healthily still make 150 Pac would've beat the dog shyt out of him already
A 38 year old Mosley who hadn't been in the Ring in 19 months?
Take Floyds dikk out your mouth
i agree
but i dont see 24/7 hbo giving floyd a fair shake
and jim bang bang lampley is one of the most bias commentators in history