Floyd Mayweather Jr-Manny Pacquiao Master Discussion Thread


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
By Ben Thompson | January 13, 2015


BT: Alex, welcome back to the States. We're not even two weeks into the new year and there's already been a lot of changes in boxing, but obviously the biggest news that fans are getting excited about is the possibility of Mayweather vs. Pacquiao finally happening.

AA: I know that Floyd wants this fight with Manny very, very, very badly. He wants this fight more than ever right now. I haven't known him that long, but I don't think I've ever heard him talk about wanting to fight anybody this much. He usually doesn't care who he fights. It could be this guy or that guy, but he really wants to fight Manny.

BT: With all the rumors about negotiations allegedly progressing, are you at least optimistic that the fight might actually happen this time?

AA: Look, of course I know and I'm privy to how one side [Team Pacquiao] works. And now I know a little about the other side [Team Mayweather] and how badly they want the fight. But I'm just going off of what I've known over the last four years. No, I'm not optimistic [about Mayweather vs. Pacquiao happening]. I know Bob [Arum] and I know that he's the one standing in the way of this, and that's why, for me, this fight isn't going to happen. Now is no different than the last five years; the determining factor on whether or not this fight is going to happen lies with Bob.

BT: One report claimed that the venue and drug testing has already been agreed to and some are speculating that the fight is close to being signed. With Michael Koncz saying that they spoke to Mayweather's people...

AA: (Cutting in) Michael Koncz said that he's talking to Mayweather's people? What people is he talking about? Listen, Mayweather's people consist of two people: Mayweather and Al Haymon. If he can't name those two people, then he's not talking to people. That's just another reason why I'm disillusioned about the chances of this fight happening. Professionals don't speak publicly on negotiations. Koncz and Bob have been talking nonsense, giving bread crumbs to a bunch of fukking starving pigeons who want to write anything. They're at Central Park with a bunch of fukking starving pigeons with press credentials around their necks just throwing them bread crumbs, and they're eating that shyt up, pecking each other death to write something. Believe me, I want the fight to happen, maybe more than anyone, but I'm just waiting here for the football to get pulled away. It's better for me if I'm wrong, but I'm telling you, I think it's all an illusion. You get these reporters that are fukking drinking that shyt up as if they've been in the desert for six months; they're drinking it up, they're putting it out there, it looks all good, and then in the end, Bob Arum will Charlie Brown us. I just don't get all worked up over any of that shyt anymore. They agreed to the venue? Big deal! Where else are they going to have that fight? They agreed to drug testing? Duh! They've got no choice. I just don't think those reports are a big deal at all.

BT: Honestly, at first, I kind of got that same feeling as well when Arum suggested that it would be disrespectful to Mexican fans if the fight took place on May 2, during Cinco de Mayo weekend. But then...

AA: (Cutting in) How is that disrespectful? Talk about making excuses. So you want to stop the biggest fight in the history of the sport possibly because you're afraid of offending Mexican fans, who actually want to see the fight too? He's got no problems ripping them off and charging Julio [Cesar Chavez Jr.] 50% of everything he makes, or not paying the guy's taxes for six years. That's not disrespectful? He didn't mind tricking Julio into signing extensions by pretending that it's a visa. That's not disrespectful? It's disrespectful to put the biggest fight in boxing history on May 2nd, but let me rip off the prince of Mexico. Let me put him on the shelf for a year, or let me put Mikey Garcia on the shelf for a year. That's not disrespectful to the Mexicans? Chavez wants to fight Froch on the 28th of March, but Bob is telling the whole world that he's not, and that's not disrespectful? He's trying to prevent this dude from earning a living and feeding his family, but that's not disrespectful? Come on, Ben.

BT: True. That said, nobody from Team Mayweather is commenting on or disputing any of the reports, so that's probably why so many people are getting hopeful that the fight will finally get made this time.

AA: Nobody on this side needs to comment because Floyd has done everything with actions. The very first time they tried to negotiate the fight, it was Floyd who initiated that dialogue. Floyd has made offers. Whether you agree or disagree with the offer, the fact is Floyd is at least taking action and offering. Manny, all he's doing is talking. He hasn't done anything with actions. It's very easy to jump in front of a group of reporters and say, "Yeah, I want the fight." Talk is cheap. If you want this fight to happen, act like you want this fight to happen. There's been no consistency on that side. To sit there and turn offer after offer down, and then turn around and say you'll fight for free and you'll do it for charity, to me, that doesn't show somebody who really wants to fight somebody. How realistic is that? You've just taken the seriousness out of the negotiation when you say you'll fight for free. I mean seriously, at that point, you lose me. When you say that you'll fight for free and let's do it for charity, do you really want me to take you seriously? It begs the question, are you taking this seriously? You shouldn't be joking about fighting for free, seriously, because all you do is you make a joke of it. When Stephen Espinoza says that they'll offer you $40 million and 35% of pay-per-view, and a week later you turn down the offer and say you'll take less money and you'll fight for free, you've made the whole thing trivial. You've made the whole negotiations just seem trivial, so at that point, it doesn't become serious anymore, or it tells me you're not taking it serious. I mean, for me, actions speak louder than words. Manny's just talking to the public and his publicist is tweeting and they're giving you guys some crumbs to write about and get some clicks, but that's about it. I mean, come on, everybody knows Manny doesn't know what fukking hash tags are. Manny doesn't tweet or keep up with hash tagging or stuff like that. Having a publicist tweet a couple of things to get some headlines, you're not fooling anybody with that. It just makes us not want to say anything because he's clearly not taking this serious. Behind the scenes, he's not showing any of us that he wants the fight.

Manny needs to stand up and take control of his shyt. At the end of the day, Manny's just a guy who's told when to fight, who to fight, and how much to fight, period! Don't be afraid to do something because you're scared you might get in trouble with Bob. When you're vague, to me, that means that you're not serious or that you're afraid to say something. Seriously Ben, if he's okay with a 60/40 split or whatever, then come out and say, "I accept that offer and Bob's got 30 days to close that deal or I'll go to the commission or I'll do whatever I have to do." Do something! Take some sort of serious action that's going to force Bob to get you what you want. This is the same thing that I've said over the last four years. Even though Floyd's the only one who's ever made an offer, at the end of the day, they're still going to blame Floyd if the fight doesn't happen. Regardless of what's being written out there, personally, I think Bob is going to make everybody believe that the fight is going to happen and then he's going to Charlie Brown us; he's going to pull the football away and then blame it on Floyd.


GOT DAMN!!!!!:damn:

Winner by TKO.....Alex Ariza:whew:


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
Floyd Mayweather’s team confirms deal to fight Manny Pacquiao is close

  • Longtime Mayweather confidant says deal for Pacquiao fight is nearly done
  • Sam Watson says May 2 bout will be rare HBO-Showtime joint pay-per-view
  • Pacquiao has already signed off on deal according to promoter Bob Arum

Floyd Mayweather’s team says a deal for a May 2 fight with Manny Pacquiao is nearing completion. Photograph: STEVE MARCUS/REUTERS
Bryan Armen Graham in New York

Wednesday 14 January 2015 16.04 EST


The richest fight in boxing history — a much-anticipated showdown betweenFloyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao — appears closer than ever to happening.

Sam Watson, longtime confidant of Mayweather adviser Al Haymon and one of few in the fighter’s tight-knit inner circle, said Wednesday the final details are being worked out and an announcement for a May 2 fight is imminent.

“They’re putting it together now,” Watson said. “They’re going to do a Showtime-HBO [joint pay-per-view] like they did last time with Lennox Lewis and Mike Tyson. They’re working on the monies now and everything they’ve got to work on to make it happen.

“I can’t wait. It’s going to be huge.”

The remarks lent credence to previous reports of a deal-in-progress between the two most decorated fighters of their generation — and marked the first time Mayweather’s team has addressed the fight beyond abstracts.

Mayweather (47-0, 26 KOs) has two bouts remaining on his six-fight, 30-month contract with Showtime and CBS — the landmark deal worth a potential $250 million he signed in February 2013 — yet the supply of credible opponents is running dry. Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs), an eight-division champion, is aligned with HBO, though a rare detente between the network rivals could make the welterweight summit a reality.

Both fighters’ pay-per-view buy rates have trended down in recent outings as dissatisfaction over their refusal to fight one another has approached a critical mass.

Watson spoke on behalf of Haymon following a news conference at Rockefeller Center on Wednesday to announce a multiyear agreement between NBC and Haymon Boxing that marks the sport’s return to prime-time network television.

Haymon — a Salinger-level recluse who rarely ventures into public, refuses all interviews and has been said to have no office or answering machine — is widely regarded as boxing’s most powerful figure, not least for his role as architect of Mayweather’s rise to world’s highest-paid athlete.

He did not attend Wednesday’s announcement in Studio 8H, home of Saturday Night Live, though Watson wryly admitted he was in the building.

“He’s here,” Watson said, “but you don’t see him.”

Seldom do two fighters considered the best in the sport come from the same weight class — and rarer still are both roughly the same age. A superfight between Mayweather and Pacquiao was a fight the public made years ago and its failure to materialize has represented an indictment of a sport.

But while a deal should have been struck years ago when both were nearer their athletic peaks, there’s no question it remains the biggest fight that can be made today. If set for May, Pacquiao will be 36 and Mayweather will be 38, though both still rate among the world’s best fighters regardless of weight.

Better late than never.

“It’s a fight that’s going to break all records,” said five-division champion Sugar Ray Leonard, whose 1987 showdown with Marvin Hagler was subject to similarly laborious negotiations. “The numbers are going to be awesome, incredible.”

If it happens. But it’s looking better than ever.

“He’s my best friend, I work for him, I’m with him every day,” Watson said, stressing that he spoke for Haymon. “I believe it’s going to happen. I believe that everybody involved wants it to happen. I know Floyd wants it.”

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
The networks aren't an obstacle...

Way too much money to be made for both in this fight which is all they care about....

This will be a done deal by Super Bowl media week...


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
if the newtorks are about to make a deal that means its a done deal.

u really think they would be talking if the fighters werent already a go?

im sure there is still negositaions to be made but its now stuff they will end up agreeing on.