Floyd Mayweather and possible illegal IV thread


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
Report: Floyd Mayweather used WADA-banned IV before Manny Pacquiao fight
30m - Boxing



Dan Rafael, ESPN Senior Writer
  • 2013 BWAA Nat Fleischer Award winner for excellence in boxing journalism
  • ESPN.com boxing writer since 2005
  • Five years at USA Today

LAS VEGAS -- On the eve of his record-breaking megafight with Manny Pacquiao on May 2, pound-for-pound king Floyd Mayweather took an intravenous injection of saline and vitamins that was banned under World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines, according to a report by SB Nation on Wednesday.

Three weeks after the fight, Mayweather received an exemption from the United States Anti-Doping Agency, the report said. However, Nevada State Athletic Commission executive director Bob Bennett said USADA does not have authorization to grant an exemption. Bennett said only the commission, which was not notified of the exemption until after it was given, can give an athlete an exemption.

Although the substances contained in the IV were not banned by WADA, whose standards USADA says it follows, the fact that they were given intravenously was not allowed.

USADA disputed the report on Thursday with a statement saying Mayweather applied for and was granted an exemption for the infusion.

"Although Mr. Mayweather's application was not approved until after his fight with Mr. Pacquiao and all tests results were reported, Mr. Mayweather did disclose the infusion to USADA in advance of the IV being administered to him," USADA's statement read. "Furthermore, once the TUE [therapeutic use exemption] was granted, the NSAC and Mr. Pacquiao were immediately notified even though the practice is not prohibited under NSAC rules."

According to the report, USADA, which had been contracted by Mayweather and Pacquiao to conduct random drug testing for their bout, sent collection agents to Mayweather's house in Las Vegas the night before the fight to conduct an unannounced drug test.

The report was published on the day that Mayweather and Andre Berto held the final news conference for their welterweight championship fight Saturday night at the MGM Grand, which Mayweather has said will be the final bout of his 19-year career.

SB Nation's account said Mayweather's medical team told the collection agents that the IV -- which reportedly included a 250-milliliter mixture of saline and multivitamins and a 500-milliliter mixture of saline and Vitamin C -- was being given to Mayweather for rehydration purposes following the weigh-in.

WADA rules do not allow intravenous infusions or injections of more than 50 milliliters per six hours "except for those legitimately received in the course of hospital admissions, surgical procedures, or clinical investigations."

According to the report, WADA bans such injections and infusions because they can be used to "dilute or mask the presence of another substance."

SB Nation also reported that USADA did not inform the Nevada commission about the IV until May 21, when it sent correspondence to commission officials and Top Rank, Pacquiao's promoter, notifying them that Mayweather had been given a retroactive therapeutic-use exemption, which was allowed in the contract the fighters signed to cover the drug-testing protocol for the bout. However, when the commission and Top Rank requested more information about it, they learned Mayweather had not applied for the exemption until May 19. It was granted May 20, the report said.

While Mayweather was given an exemption three weeks after the fight, Pacquiao was denied a request to be injected with the legal painkiller Toradol on fight night to ease pain in his injured rotator cuff, which he had surgery on after the bout. The commission declined Pacquiao's request because it was not made in a timely manner, and he had not previously disclosed the injury.

"The TUE for Mayweather's IV -- and the IV was administered at Floyd's house, not in a medical facility, and wasn't brought to our attention at the time -- was totally unacceptable," Bennett is quoted as saying in the report. "I've made it clear to [USADA CEO] Travis Tygart that this should not happen again. We have the sole authority to grant any and all TUEs in the state of Nevada. USADA is a drug-testing agency. USADA should not be granting waivers and exemptions. Not in this state. We are less than pleased that USADA acted the way it did."

When Mayweather and Pacquiao initially began negotiating a fight in late 2009, it fell apart over a disagreement on drug-testing protocol, which became a major hurdle in making the fight. After Mayweather accused Pacquiao of using performance-enhancing drugs, Pacquiao sued him and Mayweather eventually agreed to an undisclosed seven-figure settlement.

Mayweather was not available for comment Wednesday night.

Floyd Mayweather took WADA-banned IV before Manny Pacquiao fight, according to report

@InvictusAeternusEternus so USADA responded yesterday evening admitting that Floyd took the IVs and that they spoke to the NSAC immediately notifying them:mjpls:

They also said that they gave him the TUE, which is not allowed by the NSAC...only they are allowed to do so, and didnt deny the 750ml amount that was told them:mjpls:

It what it is, he cheated:yeshrug:


"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
i find it hard to believe honestly... that floyd doesnt properly hydrated himself while working out... agian floyd is not killing himself to make wieght, so if he felt dehydrated after a workout it can easily be fixed with drinking fluids... also this didnt happen during the workouts, it was after the wiegh in so he has no restrictions on fluids or food... i know many fighters or all fighters are dehydrated at wiegh ins but floyd is not one of them... he will tell u that, well maybe not after this.

Crazy thing is, 750ml aint nothing but alittle more than 3 cups of water (it's 26 ounces). nikkas acting like you couldnt take an IV of 750ml in less than 1 hour....Im sitting at my desk and have aleady drank 3 20oz of water in less than 2 hours:heh:

Floyd could've drank a 1 liter of water and got rehydrated, if that's what he was really going for and trying to do.
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"The Truth" always prevails
May 10, 2012
whats gonna happen to floyd?

no contest on his record?

The more and more I think about this bruh...it makes 0 sense to why he would have to use an IV to rehydrate or even be "dehydrated". He had more than 24 hours until the fight, 3 cups of water would have been the same amount that the IV gave him. Why use the IV?:jbhmm:

And the thing about 6-8 hours for 750ml is :snoop:, because Im sitting here NOW drinking my 4th bottled water since 9:30am. There's no way in the world it would take 6-8 hours to drink 3-8oz cups of water:russ:


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
Crazy thing is, 750ml aint nothing but alittle more than 3 cups of water worth of fluid.

Floyd could've drank a 1 liter of water and got rehydrated...if that's what he was really going for:mjpls:
from what i read it doesnt really work that way.. the equalvalent of having 3 cups of saline iv would equal way more then drinking 1L... im saying beneficial wise.

one is going striaght into your blood stream and around your body the other is going to you digestive track, a small portion may be only absorbed in the blood stream.


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
once i heard the story i thought it was to gain wieght, im saying cuz of experience... i got hit with like 2 bags of iv and i looked like i gained alot of wieght... but how can a couple of cups in your blood stream result into gaining that much wieght?... maybe theres other factors to it.... i didnt wiegh myself so i cant honestly say how much i gained.

so now it makes be believe, why that high amount... thats why people are running away with that its a flush.

Axum Ezana

Driving in the fast lane
Apr 18, 2014
Whether due to a genuine misunderstanding of the facts or an intentional desire to mislead, numerous unfounded and false accusations have been leveled against USADA in recent on-line articles. Since our inception, USADA’s sole mission has been to protect clean sport. As such, it is unfortunate and extremely disappointing to have to address articles riddled with significant inaccuracies and misrepresentations based on unsubstantiated rumors as well as anonymous or self-interested sources that have recklessly called our integrity into question. It is simply absurd to suggest that we would ever compromise our integrity for any sport or athlete.

Although the articles in question contain a multitude of errors, all of which will be addressed at the appropriate time, we believe it is important to immediately correct the record regarding the false suggestion that Floyd Mayweather violated the rules by receiving an IV infusion of saline and vitamins.

As was already publicly reported in May of this year by the Nevada State Athletic Commission (NSAC), Mr. Mayweather applied for and was granted a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) by USADA for an IV infusion of saline and vitamins that was administered prior to his May 2 fight against Manny Pacquiao. Mr. Mayweather’s use of the IV was not prohibited under the NSAC rules at that time and would not be a violation of the NSAC rules today. Nonetheless, because Mr. Mayweather was voluntarily taking part in a USADA program, and therefore subject to the rules of the WADA Code, he took the additional step of applying for a TUE after the IV infusion was administered in order remain in compliance with the USADA program. Although Mr. Mayweather’s application was not approved until after his fight with Mr. Pacquiao and all tests results were reported, Mr. Mayweather did disclose the infusion to USADA in advance of the IV being administered to him. Furthermore, once the TUE was granted, the NSAC and Mr. Pacquiao were immediately notified even though the practice is not prohibited under NSAC rules.

Over the past six years USADA has conducted anti-doping programs for over 45 fights in the sport of professional boxing, and each of those programs has been conducted in accordance with the WADA Code and the International Standards. As a result, every athlete who has participated in one of our programs has voluntarily agreed to abide by the rules of the WADA Code and willingly subjected themselves to substantially more stringent testing protocols than they otherwise would have been subject to.

There are certainly those in the sport of professional boxing who appear committed to preventing an independent and comprehensive anti-doping program from being implemented in the sport, and who wish to advance an agenda that fails to put the interests of clean athletes before their own. Despite that opposition, we will continue to demonstrate to the clean athletes we serve, the sport partners we work with, and all those who share the ideal of fair competition, that we remain committed to our mission of protecting the rights of clean athletes and the integrity of competition


this been posted yet?

The Infamous

Aug 9, 2012
It was announced publicly that the bout contract Mayweather and Pacquiao signed in February 2015 to fight each other provided that drug testing would be conducted by USADA. But the actual contract with USADA remained to be negotiated. In early March, USADA presented the Pacquiao camp with a contract that allowed the testing agency to grant a retroactive therapeutic use exemption (TUE) to either fighter in the event that the fighter tested positive for a prohibited drug. That retroactive exemption could have been granted without notifying the Nevada State Athletic Commission or the opposing fighter’s camp.


Squirrel from Meteor Man

Apr 16, 2015
Typical hatred from biased media outlets who live to hate Floyd (ESPN, complex, yahoo, etc). Long form article full of nothing but conjecture and haphazard insinuations. Only with Floyd would this be a story.

Same writers who say Floyd isn't great because he can't punch are the same ones trying to pile on saying he used PEDs.


2x...and defending
Jul 31, 2013
In my mind this article is enough to bring more questioning into the situation and wonder what is going on. But I dont think it blatantly makes Mayweather a steroid user or cheating in a way that brings into question fight outcomes.

I should say I have always thought I wouldn't be surprised if Mayweather used PED's. I think it is naive for Mayweather fans to always say 100% he is clean. You don't know him and who he is. That doesn't mean he is doing it, just that Mayweather isn't a virtuous person that is beyond any suspicion.

Hauser will get hate because he was the man who originally accused Mayweather and GB of manipulating drug tests where he failed the first test and made the second test disappear. It wasn't hard evidence that convicted Mayweather or was proved 100%, but it was out there.

Mayweather has also been known for manipulating the organizing bodies because of his power. His "questioning" regarding illegal sparring and marijuana use were a farce and designed to let Floyd slide. Same as his treatment with mandatories and holding onto a belt. It doesn't convict Mayweather of anything, just shows that Mayweather can dictate terms to organizing bodies that are in regulatory positions.

The rehydration aspect is wholly plausible to me. I have come to believe Mayweather rehydrates more than he admits. He was visibly much bigger than Manny on fight night and Manny re-weighed at 152. Maidana rehydrated 20 lbs and IMO (and sportswriters at the fight) Maidana's weight advantage on fight night was less than 10 pounds.

Does this ring the alarm to me that Floyd is a cheater? No.
Do I think that Floyd could potentially use advantages outside the rules? Sure...but we need more proof before he gets labeled as such.



All Star
Jun 17, 2012
once i heard the story i thought it was to gain wieght, im saying cuz of experience... i got hit with like 2 bags of iv and i looked like i gained alot of wieght... but how can a couple of cups in your blood stream result into gaining that much wieght?... maybe theres other factors to it.... i didnt wiegh myself so i cant honestly say how much i gained.

so now it makes be believe, why that high amount... thats why people are running away with that its a flush.

Im guessing because its a saline drip, there would be excess water uptake to regulate the blood salt level.

Just drinking the same amount of water doesnt work, you'd just piss most of it out


Jul 16, 2013
how is this becoming a big story?....they not upset at the fluid he hydrated himself with (which was found to be clean/not peds), they upset at what he used to inject the fluid.....lol seriously?!?!??!....

only thing i get from this: they figure this the only way they gonna get a victory over pbf.....so far they havent been able to get one on him in nor out of the ring....they thought the domestic violence shyt was gonna work, and it didnt....so now they just gonna accuse him of cheating....they dont have to prove it, just throw it out there and hope it taints him....either that or this some bullshyt tactic to try to get him to fight manny again.....


Sleep, those slices of death; Oh how I loathe them
May 1, 2012
Im guessing because its a saline drip, there would be excess water uptake to regulate the blood salt level.

Just drinking the same amount of water doesnt work, you'd just piss most of it out
u a smart man, very true.