I remember one time I had a mid term paper due on Monday. I was staying in the Morgan View Apts and the cpu lab was open 24/7 and it was 3:35AM on a Saturday night.
Some JBO breh was in the back of the lab with a hoodie on Geauxin to town jacking off. I mean ol was shaking and stirring up to get his rocks off.

I looked at dude and caught the glare of his glasses as he looked up at me and then held his head down.
All I could tell the skinny frail muthafukka, was I understand

that was the last time I ever to that lab.
Also at Murphy Fine Arts, after about 6PM on a Friday the classrooms would unlocked as the Alphas used the one classroom. They forgot to wipe the white board down, but if you wasn't tryna get on, you wouldn't know what the jargon meant anyway. Anyway, my professor Dr. Hill who taught Art History had given us the username/password for all the CPUs at Murphy Fine Arts.....preciate it Dr. Hill

I was watching Naruto