Long ways from 2024 Primaries but as it stands right now the only shot of a non-Trump nomination is a serious criminal conviction (and even then who knows).
There's a less than zero chance that Trump will be the nominee & it has nothing to do with GOP primary voters. When I say he won't be eligible to hold office, it's because the US Code says so:
1. Right to hold federal office or employment In setting qualifications for federal office, the United States Constitution does not prohibit felons from holding elected federal office. See U.S. Const. art. I, '' 2, 3; art. II, ' 1; art. VI.2
Various federal statutes, however, provide that a conviction may result in the loss of or ineligibility for office. For example, conviction of treason renders the defendant Aincapable of holding any office under the United States.@ 18 U.S.C. ' 2381. Likewise, when an individual is convicted of bribing a public official or accepting a bribe, disqualification from federal office may be ordered by the sentencing court. 18 U.S.C. ' 201(b).
Other examples of loss of or disqualification for federal office or employment as a result of conviction or commission of a crime include:
- $ removal from federal or District of Columbia office and ineligibility for employment by the United States or the District of Columbia for five years upon conviction under federal or state law of a felony for inciting, organizing, encouraging, or participating in, a riot or civil disorder or any offense committed in furtherance of, or while participating in, a riot or civil disorder (5 U.S.C. ' 7313);
- $ removal from office, and ineligibility for any federal office, of a collecting or disbursing officer upon conviction of trading in public funds or property (18 U.S.C. ' 1901);
- $ removal from office or employment of designated federal officers and employees upon conviction of unauthorized disclosure of certain confidential information relating to trade secrets or the financial profile of any person or business (18 U.S.C. ' 1905);
- $ removal from office or employment of a federal officer or employee convicted of using federal money to finance lobbying a Member of Congress (18 U.S.C. ' 1913);
Any one of these is enough to throw his campaign in the bushes and dude is facing 3 and a possible like a bad spades hand