flirting and hanging out with posters who engage is incest is what’s hot in the coli streets?


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Bytch what’s up with you in these coli streets?? Aka Biscuitsnbangers. Lost your Fukkin mind again, hit up your psyche meds stash

from a female perspective, i feel you op.

no dikk has ever given me a better orgasm than i've given myself. and most sex isn't worth it. unless you're dating the person. casual sex, for me isn't worth the effort or time.

i prefer oral sex over regular sex. to be honest.

a lot of fitness dudes be sex addicts because the increase in testosterone

Whoever it is has a nice areola to boob ratio

Stop quoting me.. And it was two nights in the span of a week. Bye.

You are dumb as fukk lol a professional escort service isn't Tge same as just posting your pic online and having a sex ad .. Idiot

Your sons ex getting knocked up and abortions and shyt has nothing to do with promoscuity and everything to do with her not being responsible when it comes to protection.

My body count high and I've never had an std, sti, pregnancy, abortion, or miscarriage.

Promoscuity and being irresponsible when it comes to protecting one self are not interchangeable.

Says the dude who got a bytch knocked up who aborted the child lol the irony. Meanwhile, I've never been knocked up or have had a pregnancy scare.

Save your "hard on hoes, my body count 85 but im I'm a born again Christian" bull shyt for someone else, scumbag. Yiure transparent. Go outside. You spend most of your dating posting on here about whatever qualms you have with women, single mothers, hoes, etc etc. It pathetic.

it's a chemical imbalance. some people are just born that way

my grandma on my dads side struggles with depression my grandma on my moms side did too, anxiety as well. and i've been dealing with manic depression (bipolar) for over a decade.

i feel all those things, i struggle with mental illness, i ain’t shooting up people or being violent. maybe it’s cause i came from a two parent family, albeit kinda dysfunctional but for the most part ok

I'm a former drug addict. I know this. But that's not the point...

It's more about the criticism that cats like Herb and Kodak black get but dudes glorifying drug use don't on that level.

this is what females have to do to prove themselves. Bytch went through the stages of her fukked up existence played out on a message board - how did you go from not Fukkin raw to getting knocked up and having an aborted baby
the two people doing the most have sex work, mental issues, abortions and stds in their present day.

im black and I don’t even use the word “n—a”
And kanye hasnt? Whats makes pac more a "real nikka" than kanye? Cause he was "in them streets"? And got street credibility?

Its the same recyled shyt people use to discredit anything kanye has talked about in and outside his music. "He dresses like a fakkit and wifed a hoe" :comeon:

the same white bytch that tweets the n- word
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I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Bytch what’s up with you in these coli streets??

this is what females have to do to prove themselves. Bytch went through the stages of her fukked up existence played out on a message board -
the two people doing the most have sex work, mental issues, abortions and stds in their present day.

im black and I don’t even use the word “n—a”


Jun 20, 2013
Bytch what’s up with you in these coli streets??

this is what females have to do to prove themselves. Bytch went through the stages of her fukked up existence played out on a message board -
the two people doing the most have sex work, mental issues, abortions and stds in their present day.

im black and I don’t even use the word “n—a”


none this relevant or you even denying that you hung out and flirted with a dominican who’s paler than me and fukkS HIS OWN cousin, had a child with his own cousin and is in a relationship... simultaneously while clowning everyone on here for their own personal dirt... THEYVE posted them selves :mjlol:

funny is this message came to me randomly MONTHS ago... FROM a well respected who’s a mod and doesn’t post here anymore


Jun 20, 2013

i know what’s i’ve posted on here, i know the things i’ve done and said... i never denied them. i’ve stayed here and left before not because of you cause i was doing shyt IN MY LIFE to progress and grow as a person.. not spend it on here 24/7 like you do. i can take criticism & accountability. i don’t expect everyone to like me on here especially after things ive said and done... i’m not owed that grace.

but it’s ironic. the amount of shytting on women posters, posters who have a promiscuous past or who’ve grown, have accused me of fukkING mods and other posters, call any poster who disagreees with you disparaging words “c***” yet out of the two of us... you’re the one has hung out with multiple posters, including flirting with a poster who is paler than me and fukks his own cousin...


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
Which one of y’all did string bean send bikini pics to on these coli streets

We werent "talking" lol i randomly sent you a pic after you posted something in a thread like "idk wat biscuits body looks like......" and i like never hit you up again until after you posted it in a thread without my knowledge and it was being passed around.

Stop lying, we werent "talking". if a girl sending you a bikini picture equals "talking" thats pathetic

Why is this bytch so hell bent on proving she got an ass? No one cares lol

Why are you obsessed with me? And been e stalking me?

Why are you a pathological liar?
You have no nude pics of me lmfao Never sent shyt to anyone besides that bikini pic..

You're fukking crazy.


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
This bipolar bytch is not in any position to be making threads . Take mentally unstable bytches seriously, brehs
i am bipolar. try living it.

i’m not medicated either.

i’d rather be on mood stabilizers and anti psychotics to “deal” and actually be able to someone live life as a functioning human being than literally unable to function. when i was on Abilify, i wasn’t happy all the time but felt a lot more happiness than i have for years. meds aren’t a cure, they’re simply a stabilizer to help make things a bit easier for us. many people on meds are able to achieve things thus bringing more happiness than they ever were before off meds

i’d trade some weight gain, restless leg syndrome etc for all the bullshyt i deal with now

maybe you're bipolar?

there's been times i've been manic and used to stay up for days straight because i legit could not get tired

thats cause hes bipolar.. im not hatin.. im bipolar (i take meds, go ahead and judge me lol) and thats exactly how a lot of people with bipolar act after they have a manic episode.. like nothing at all happened, they just keep it movin.

yeah, i am. and i know, there was a period a few years ago where it was really bad. like i was going through mania to depression like 15 times a day! i felt like my brain was in a confined space because shaken, like thrown at a wall. i was having a lot of suicidal idealization back then. i know studies show that untreated bipolar gets worse as you get older. and i was 14 when i was diagnosed and never experienced rapid cycling until my early 20s

side note: i wish there were more studies and focus on the physical and health issues that come from mental illness or how they become worse. studies prove that lack of sleep and stress contribute to alzheimer’s and dementia. insomnia is a trait of BP. people with mental illness are more likely to abuse drugs and smoke cigs than people with out. and i know personally speaking, a lot of times i ditch out of drs appts or don’t go as much as i should because of my depression and anxiety. also, my eating habits are shyt and a lot of times i won’t have an appetite for like a week and barely eat.

that’s one of the things that never seemed to be talked about is the affects on our actual health

i have therapy today, i missed it last week. i don’t wanna go today either. i’ve been rapid cycling between manic and depressed. i don’t wanna continue treatment cause i feel like outside of having someone to talk to, i haven’t accomplished shyt or made any progress and i just wanna go back to dealing with this shyt on my own

i felt more happiness off my meds

That explains why this thread is all over the Fukkin place.
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Jun 20, 2013
Which one of y’all did string bean send bikini pics to on these coli streets

you deny EVER accusation made against you but you not denying nothing i’ve posted on here, it’s out of character... so it must be true :ohhh:

anyways..... enjoying spending your evening digging through my posting history as if none this shyt is PUBLIC or things IVE posted myself... meanwhile
this info is some shyt you definitely didn’t want posted given the character you play on here.

i hope you get some sleep sweet heart instead of staying up until 3 am on this thread :mjlol:


The Prim Reaper
Aug 10, 2017
NYC and FBA Riverboat Retaliation
As a former feminist with a thot history, I know "daddy issues" is a stereotype attributed to such, but I firmly believe a lot of these women have unresolved issues stemming from their upbringing or fathers and use feminism as a mask instead of seeking therapy

how you gonna say don't know the dangers when i personally experienced and saw the dangers first hand? you have no idea what you're talking about. you can't reach the tenders of drug abuse to combat it. you have to get deeper.

the lack of teaching the dangers of drug addiction isn't the problem, the root of it is people use drugs habitually as an escape and to self medicate for deeper issues going on. teach healthy alternatives, be a role model etc

i struggled with depression and feelings of loneliness since i was practically in kindergarden. i always felt different and not like the other kids, like no one liked me. and as a child growing up i experienced and saw those closest to me dealing with their issues by coping through drug and alcohol abuse so naturally as i got older and those feelings became intensified i went down the route of drug abuse because i was indirectly taught it through my environment and surroundings, that's why they say it runs in the family because it's a learned coping skill. you focus on that, you teach healthy and productive ways to deal with ones feelings, not the dangers

if teaching the dangers of addiction works then most people would not smoke cigarettes, eat unhealthy food habitually etc.

Who sent for this crazy ho??
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