Robert F. Smith's first wife
Now that I got your attention, imma have to disagree regarding the Robert F. Smith thing with Morehouse, but not for the ignorant reasons people are using.
It is a great act. Do not get me wrong. $40 million is a grip of money, and it will set those kids up with an excellent start for their lives. Not having debt, especially for young black students, is tremendous and its an immense gift by him. I am not going to criticize the act of giving that money to those graduates.
What I will criticize is that this guy is worth $5.5 billion and knows that student loans are a problem, especially for black college students. What is he doing to help alleviate this problem structurally? Is he advocating for better student loan practices? Is he advocating for free college tuition for students? Smith knows it is a problem yet won't do anything to change things structurally. This is what the ultra wealthy do. The ultra-wealthy do not want to pay taxes. Look at the number: $40 million. There were under 400 students who will benefit from that gift. That means the average student loan debt was $100,000. This is a problem, and it is crippling millennials and generation Z. What is he doing to help change that systemically? The ultra-wealthy does these grandiose gifts that do not change anything to structurally changes things. That includes the Oprah, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and whoever else you want to mention. I say that because you have the Koch Brothers out there doing shyt to change things structurally with their money and influence politics. They are doing evil shyt, but they use their power, money, and influence. This act by Smith isn't that.
I am not asking Smith and other billionaires who know these problems to spend all their money to help society, but they need to pay their taxes and use their influence to structurally change things instead of doing grandiose gifts like this that make the news but do nothing to change the world.