the difference between Floyd/Cotto and Tarver/RJJ is that people thought Tarver won the first fight. Also Tarver has a history with RJJ and knew how to beat him since he did it before.
Only the angriest Floyd hater thought Cotto won that fight. And Floyd had a cold during fight week.
I think Floyd is getting older, thats clear, but Canelo dont have the tools to do it. He has poor conditioning and really hasnt beaten anyone worthwhile. Alvarez dont will come out early and get the crowd hype because of a wild swing, but by Round 5 or 6, Floyd will be controlling that fight in the pocket and pot shoting.
There is a reason why Oscar be likewhenever Canelo vs Floyd is mentioned. Canelo is just not ready for that and Oscar dont want to lose a cash cow so early.
I'm not disagreeing with you. Like I said, all things being equal, Floyd wins, no question. Maybe I just think Canelo is better than everybody else. He has faults, all fighters do. However, he's very athletic and has excellent timing in the ring. Skill wise is he in the same league as Floyd? No, no one is. However, a perfect storm of Floyd getting old and him fighting the fight of his life could produce an interesting fight.
Just my $0.02.