White John is becoming my favorite segment
KBadd tanked Nagasaki, idk what a nikkasaki is, but thats whAt he said.
Basa goin in on Dave Zirin was good. Here is even more, Livestrong don't give money for cancer research anymore. They haven't for the last 3 years I think. They give money to help people cope with cancer and give positive affirmations, etc but no money to cancer research. Sally Jenkins wrote a bullshyt article in WaPo over the weekend talking about USADA got a witch hunt going on and it isn't fair, etc. White people are incredible. These people don't get that Lance was the leader of the 2nd PED revolution in cycling and that he bullied anyone who opposed him.
Also, I know a lot of you dudes on here have not donated for the video project. Mufuccas, donate! They have never let us down with the comedy over the years, help them out.
Nah, I was quoting Loc Dog from Don't Be A Menace ... he said Hiroshima and nikkasaki.