I really loved this movie. It wasn't scary, per se, but it was creepy. And not just because of the supernatural angle. The entire backstory behind the two siblings; the way abuse affects children and creates real life monsters.... that was the true horror story here. del Toro's ability to create amazing imagery is incomparable. This man knows how to tell a story visually. So many beautiful and haunting scenes. And the acting was dope as hell. Jessica Chastain knocked this one out of the park. I didn't know she could play cold so well. Hiddleston and Mia were great too. I was surprised to see Jax/Charlie Hunman in this, and actually pull off the role of a doctor pretty well. I found the violence shocking, I'm not sure why. Perhaps because del Toro used it sparingly. But when he used it, he used it well and made it brutal. Those last 20 minutes had me like 

This one gets two thumbs up from me.

This one gets two thumbs up from me.