Cook with a Mouth
By: Jay P. Carlson
A lot of information and images related to Star Wars: Episode VII are coming to light this week, and we’ve got just one more treat for you to enjoy over the weekend. We’re headed into definite spoiler territory now, so be warned – if you don’t want to know, now’s your chance to turn back!
If you haven’t yet, please head over to Latino Review and read their terrific writeup on the known plot points of the upcoming Star Wars sequel. There’s a lot of connective tissue (and wonderful surprises) there which make sense of a lot of what we’re seeing these days and over the coming weeks.
It’s true that the main villain of Episode VII is a Sith Inquisitor. He’s tall and thin and terrifyingly creepy, with glowing red eyes to match his red lightsaber. He’s got some robotic upgrades, like Vader – but no mask. The cybernetic bits weave in and out of him. He’s got a human upper lip, a steel jaw… and the robotic hand that JJ Abrams posted an image of. As LR mentioned, we’ll see flashbacks in this movie which will show us Princess Leia as a young girl and Vader’s involvement with the Sith during his prime. This inquisitor has a fascination Vader through the movie’s timeline as well though – just look how he stares at Vader’s shattered helmet in this image:
What use do you think the Sith might make of Vader’s decrepit armor after all these years? Might they clone him from his cells? Is this a second discarded set of armor, or a burnt shell from Luke’s funeral pyre? Reply below and let us know your thoughts.
What a great time to be a fan of Star Wars. May the force be with you!