First Criminal Execution in 50 Years in New York, Ronell Wilson, convicted Cop Killer

May 15, 2012
Background story
remember when he did them murders. One of the wildest stories I've heard on NYC news.

He was selling guns. These two undercovers were setting up buys. In the middle of the transaction, Ronell (the killer) decided, instead of selling them the guns, he was goin rob them. In the middle of the stickup they flashed their badges revealing they were nypd. This nikka got mad that they were cops and shot both of them cops point blank. Dead.

NYPD tried to swarm the area to lock him off. Then they found out he slid off to Brooklyn. This set off one of, if not the biggest manhunt I've ever heard. They shut down bridges, tunnels, and highways in the name of finding this man. Off duty cops was called in to help with the search. I've never seen so much police in the street at once. Boroughs were shut down. Boroughs, to find this man. Helicopter after helicopter blazing overhead with lights looking.

All this was being broadcast live on the news.

To top it off, when he got convicted, he turned, looked at the cops family, laughed, and stuck out his tongue at em :wow:

Story twist in 2012
Convicted cop killer Ronell Wilson impregnanted female guard in twisted scheme to avoid death penalty* - NY Daily News

Convicted cop killer Ronell Wilson hatched a plan to avoid the death penalty by impregnating a female guard with his evil seed at the federal jail in Brooklyn.

Federal agents arrested the guard, Nancy Gonzalez, at her Huntington, Long Island, home Tuesday. She is eight months pregnant.


Gonzalez allegedly serviced Wilson while the other inmates were locked down in their cells. One informant spotted her moving away from Wilson's cell door while he was standing on the doorway "with his pants down, exposing his genitals."

Gonzalez admitted the illicit relationship in a recorded telephone conversation with her boyfriend who is incarcerated in state prison.:what:She "kind of got sucked into his world" and she "felt like, well, why not give him (Wilson) a child as far as giving him some kind of hope," court papers state.:mindblown:

"I took a chance because I was so vulnerable and wanted to be loved and now I am carrying his child," she said. :snoop:


Update on this same story...
|quote=NY Daily News|
Death penalty for cop killer Ronell Wilson
Murderous thug Ronell Wilson, who killed two undercover NYPD detectives in cold blood, was sentenced to death by lethal injection for the second time by a federal jury.


The jury deciding whether cop killer Ronell Wilson lives or dies viewed a disturbing video of the violent thug being forcibly restrained by a special response team of prison guards.

Die cop killer.

Murderous thug Ronell Wilson, who killed two undercover NYPD detectives in cold blood, was sentenced to death by lethal injection for the second time by a federal jury.

The extraordinary sentence was delivered by the jury foreman after just five hours of deliberations in Brooklyn Federal Court.

Wilson, 31, who was emotionless as the foreman read the verdict, received the death penalty from a different jury in 2007 after his first trial. That sentence was overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals due to prosecutorial error.


NYPD Detective Rodney Andrews, killed by Ronell Wilson.

Wilson was convicted by the first jury of the execution-style shootings of Detectives Rodney Andrews and James Nemorin in Staten Island during a March 10, 2003 gun buy-and-bust operation that went bad. Andrews was shot first, and then Nemorin as he begged for his life.

Wilson's guilt was not an issue in the re-sentencing trial over the past month.

Defense lawyers had offered 24 mitigating factors in favor of a life sentence over death by lethal injection, including Wilson's chaotic and impoverished childhood, that he was classified as emotionally disturbed and learning disabled as a youngster, and that he did not know his victims were cops.

Federal prosecutors did not have to prove that Wilson knew he was assassinating cops when he put a bullet in the backs of their heads. But Assistant U.S. Attorney Celia Cohen argued that he surely did and gained increased status in the Bloods gang for his deadly deed.


An undated photo of slain NYPD Det. James Nemorin with his wife Rose, that was presented by the prosecution during the trial of his murderer Ronell Wilson.

Law enforcement officials acknowledged that a death penalty from the second jury was a long shot. Before Wilson, there had not been a death sentence imposed in a federal case in New York since bank robber Gerhard Puff was executed in 1954 for killing an FBI agent.

But prosecutors contended that Wilson represented a continuing danger to fellow inmates and prison staff. There was testimony about Wilson's intimidation and threats against inmates and his sexual conquest of a female guard, which resulted in a pregnancy.

Wilson's next stop will be death row at the federal penitentiary in Terre Haute, Indiana.

A spokesman for the U.S. Bureau of Prisons said there are currently 59 condemned inmates. There has not been a federal execution since 2003.


This will be New York's first execution in over 50 years...
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May 1, 2012
Hard life being a black cop. Basically cleaning up the dirt white folks trash the neighborhood with.
May 15, 2012
Even after all of this, I fundamentally don't agree with the death penalty.

i agree with you. I find it baffling that a government thinks it has the authority to say we are going to kill you. You are not worthy of life


May 15, 2012
New York
definition of no fukks given. you know he got these cacs fuming. You kill cops, get locked up then fukking some latina raw in the jailcell. getting serviced daily like a boss.

i mean what he did is bad but BREH this nikka got balls:smugdraper: