I have nothing against toronto, but i never liked how the casey ordeal went down.
They lost 4-0 to Cleveland,they were the favorites and they were the only team to get swept....It dont matter what you like,you couldnt bring him back after that PERIOD....
Game 1 was probably flukey cuz we missed about 87 put backs at the buzzer but game 2 we got blown out because he insisted on going CJ Miles on Kevin Love for an entire quarter which basically blew the game wide open and ended the series...
Its like non raptor fans didnt watch any of this lol....
You could make a GREAT argument Casey should have been fired after the 2015 playoffs but they didnt,they gave him more chances....Casey not sitting well with you cuz ur not taking a real overview of his tenure in Toronto....
He and DeRozan both had free reign for probably too long,eventually changes had to be made.