Domestic terrorism
Wheres the gofundme to rebuild it
My broke ass will donate
Can you really tell someone to retaliate with violence when you're not Willing do so yourself?
must be talking about yourself breh
do you own a firearm?
I've never mentioned any brother or sister to retaliate with violence. But I see a lot of people saying this and saying that at the comfort of their phone/ tablet/ computer. I'm not going to tell anyone to do anything that I am not willing to do myself.
So do you own a firearm ?
No I do not
Funny how this thread is getting ignored.
Yeah, let's sweep this under the rug and talk more about Donald Trump, Gay Marriage and how a coli member is going to be on MTV!!
I know you don't . I have a way of figuring out who's armed and unarmed. The unarmed ones like you usually talk that peace shyt, "What does this solve?" , etc .
How am I supposed to take you serious as a man , if you cant even protect your household from harm ? Dylan Roof could enter your house just as easy as he did the church
Is this really happening? At this point we should have the NSA resources. This is terrorism and a coordinated effortIt should be noted that this is the 7th Black Church to be burned down in the past few days