The Girl From Innsmouth
All Star
here are some guys talking about how gay finn looks. warning, theyre trump supporters.
These are your fellow travellers, eh?
here are some guys talking about how gay finn looks. warning, theyre trump supporters.
i voted for bernie and jill. im not with them.These are your fellow travellers, eh?
here are some guys talking about how gay finn looks. warning, theyre trump supporters.
do not put that stigma on velveteen dream, hes just eccentric, he’s better than that. Besides, was prince gay? I dont think so.Finn is "gay" yet velveteen dream wants dudes to say his name
He's not, which makes us doing this ok.
By the way, heres a scene with finn having fun with two japanese twinks and a japanese grizzly bear at the end..
That’s porno talk for the boy version of the porno is a twink? that shyt sounds gay
That’s porno talk for the boy version of the porno teen.
Even haku?... we don't know what that is in harlem......
but bullet club has always seemed extra homo in retrospect except for AJ