Thats why I dont care whether or not he wins. If Toronto doesnt win I have no reason to care really as long as theres competition still. Miami hasnt steamrolled...they are winning hard fought, deserving games. If anybody in the entire league deserves it its Lebron.
And while you make a good point..are we going to act like the Cavs didnt do everything within their means to give Bron a championship squad? We gonna act like he didnt lead them on and then in the dirt? And yes,...Ledecision is really what did him in. He didnt need to stage that whole foolish fiasco. But if we can all agree on that...nothing else really need be said. But thats just

If you work for Ford, boss gives you an office with the best view in head office...a company whip, bonuses, incentives, ESOP, VP or Chief __ Officer Position, highest salary possible given the budget, own secretary etc. and everything is dandy. Then you leave because your company had a bad year and for another firm within the same industry; are a traitor. You were the leader. So hold yourself in part as a large reason for both the success and failures. Whether or not you made a good decision is your own discretion...but you are a traitor. Simple.