Okay so black women don't get called out as much. But that's because they're women and women in general aren't held accountable for their actions like men are.
And let's not act like BW/WM relationships are taboo free, like I said before white men get looked down on if they're with a black woman. Whether she's attractive or not. People will think "what the hell are you doing with her?

" It's not as bad as black men dating non-black women but it's still there. I've said before black women are being pushed to try to date out lately but at the same time white men are
never openly encouraged to date/marry black women by their families or society.
Who looks down white men for dating black women??? Historically it is no where AS NEAR as bad as bm/ww

Society GENERALLY accepts a wm with a bw. Society GENERALLY will OSTRACIZE a black man with a ww. THAT"S the real taboo relationship. WM are being pushed by the media to wife a good black women. Every single late depiction of bw/wm relations are generally positive.
Further more, that lazy, bitter bytch @
LovelyDay wanted me to call out black men like i was calling out bw, like bm don't get roasted day in and day out EVERYWHERE, by EVERYBODY.

Why continue to beat a dead horse? Everyone does it, so why should I? Their voice is also more powerful then mine. Bw dating out does NOT warrant me to create blogs, showing my ass on tv saying "my heart wrenches", and write books about IR dating. But I will call them out on their bs. Something that isn't done that often.
It doesn't make hypocritical, it makes me rational. BECAUSE I HAVE NEVER EVEN SAID MY OPINIONS ABOUT IT IN THIS THREAD. That bytch @
LovelyDay doesn't even see that. c00nwomen need to be called out LIKE those c00nmen, but you will NEVER see bw call out the c00n women like black men call out c00n men who routinely bash black women.