Find out everything you believed in is a lie or live in blissful ignorance?

I'd pick...

  • The truth as it really is. (Harsh realities and aggressive content)

  • The truth as I'd like to think it is. (Ignorance is bliss, plus I'm invested)

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old pig

Nov 12, 2017
I feel like us humans are perpetually chasing comfort and happiness.

Even if one were to wake up to the harsh reality, they'll soon be chasing security, purpose and happiness.

And let's say for arguments sake they do achieve it against all odds, and then this same scenario is proposed that this "awakened" reality is still but another false reality.

Would you continue on or choose to be awoken to the possibility of an even worse life?

I would guess that most (if not all) would eventually tap out and choose to live happily in the sim.

Me personally, I've seen and been through enough. Give me the cozy retirement.

lol amen.


SOHH Vet since 2002
May 2, 2013
I'd rather find out that everything is a lie than live in ignorance


The Legendary Super Sapien.
May 2, 2012
Been there, done that.

And if you understand what I mean and look around at the ignorant, they aren't very blissful at all, just unaware at the true source of their day to day struggles.

If you've had any sort of 'awakening', take a look back at you before. There may be times where you feel like you're 'cursed with knowledge' but would you really go back to being a fukking automaton? It's not a curse if you take responsibility for the power you gain once you become lucid in this illusion.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
Me personally I've always been intrigued by the possibility (I would actually say "probability") of there being more to the world than we see/feel/etc. Like other dimensions that are RIGHT HERE (not in some distant future/past/universe) but that we cannot access (anymore?) for whatever reason. So tbh this scenario would be confirming what I've kind of been thinking about for years.


Jun 15, 2018
Planet Earth
Couple of things we was too lied as children when we found as an adult was a hoax

Nice guys

The most common is being nice to people and women gets rewarded. This couldn't be any further from the truth.

In reality, being nice gets mistaken for weakness. Being assertive and discerning are tools. Leadership, resources and strength are what women look for. Women reward men who make them FEEL regardless if it's negative or positive.

The Disney programming is the origin of men being simps. Add the ingredients of narcissism "I'm special!" Voila! The description of modern dating.

The contempt of villains

When kids are young, they root for heroes saving the world. Blinded by ignorance. As we get older, we see reality for what it is. The villain becomes more relatable. They channel our dark triad nature. Villains are seen as charismatic, confident and powerful. Their rebellious nature and disregard to being tied down by society is another influence. Knowing how society tries to put individuals in the box; going against the grain is what the villain preaches.

Unfortunately, this has led to the increase of mass shootings and petty crimes.

Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus discovering America. He founded Hispaniola (modern day DR and Haiti). The Vikings such as Leif Erickson discovered North America years before him


Including Native Americans and Africans

The Story of Luzia, the Oldest Human Skull Found in the Americas

Plus finding out how he wiped out the native with sickness is another story.

Black people was just docile slaves.

American textbooks never factor the reason behind slavery, the capitalism aspect, nor do they mention the numerous slave revolts in the US, Latin America or the Caribbean (Haiti, Jamaica, etc). They just mention we was just docile slaves.

In reality, between the late 1800's and the modern era, plenty of inventions was created by blacks!

Slave revolts!

Pt. 2 coming soon​


Jan 1, 2018
At this point in my life, I’d be curious to find out what was a lie and what wasn’t.

How would you handle it after? Any form of regular interaction with people is over from that point because they are on another page in a different book and simply couldn't comprehend the shadows depth you witnessed. Enlightenment ain't all sunshine and rainbows...

scene still cracks me up…dude could only pretend to be smug for so long :mjlol:

Did you see how much was at play though and why I say the Game is mental? Thing is dunn was shook and there ain't no such thing as halfway psychiatrists. I mean crooks. Ah, what the heck they're the same anyway.

You should read the book if you get a chance.

the vast majority of people chose ignorance whether it meant being blissful or not :mjlol:

:russ: Ain't that the truth. The simple facts as they stand is they are already living the life of ignorance as they chase bliss in the attempt to stave off the feeling that things aren't quite as they should be. That, I feel, is the root of so many of the worlds anxieties as we are the problem but the false self projects and deflects and makes it all about a nebulous "them" and thus avoids the true solution one generation from the next. Thats the flip of this premise because it works on many levels.

We all build worlds in our head that don't exist and then mistake them for the real thing. Thats pretty insane when you consider it. 8 billion and counting...

Been there, done that.

And if you understand what I mean and look around at the ignorant, they aren't very blissful at all, just unaware at the true source of their day to day struggles.

If you've had any sort of 'awakening', take a look back at you before. There may be times where you feel like you're 'cursed with knowledge' but would you really go back to being a fukking automaton? It's not a curse if you take responsibility for the power you gain once you become lucid in this illusion.

Thats pretty much it and if you know you know. A wise old lady once said "Why do you insist on singing from the deaf and dancing for the blind? They simply cannot comprehend and will label you a madman for even making the attempt". Wild as she was illiterate but stated pretty much the same thing as Plato about the one who escapes from the Cave and tries to tell the rest they are invested in an illusion and the real world is something completely different.

The concept of true freedom in contrast to the facsimile they already possess is often too much to comprehend or even entertain as they enjoy their zone of discomfort because its predictable, socially sanctioned and all that they know.

How did you open your eyes in the dream and realize you were actually sleeping previously? Quite an interesting contrast when it kicks because a mind once enlightened can never be darkened and it becomes obvious that is the main thing the world pours in since you step in.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
How would you handle it after? Any form of regular interaction with people is over from that point because they are on another page in a different book and simply couldn't comprehend the shadows depth you witnessed. Enlightenment ain't all sunshine and rainbows...

Did you see how much was at play though and why I say the Game is mental? Thing is dunn was shook and there ain't no such thing as halfway psychiatrists. I mean crooks. Ah, what the heck they're the same anyway.

You should read the book if you get a chance.

:russ: Ain't that the truth. The simple facts as they stand is they are already living the life of ignorance as they chase bliss in the attempt to stave off the feeling that things aren't quite as they should be. That, I feel, is the root of so many of the worlds anxieties as we are the problem but the false self projects and deflects and makes it all about a nebulous "them" and thus avoids the true solution one generation from the next. Thats the flip of this premise because it works on many levels.

We all build worlds in our head that don't exist and then mistake them for the real thing. Thats pretty insane when you consider it. 8 billion and counting...

Thats pretty much it and if you know you know. A wise old lady once said "Why do you insist on singing from the deaf and dancing for the blind? They simply cannot comprehend and will label you a madman for even making the attempt". Wild as she was illiterate but stated pretty much the same thing as Plato about the one who escapes from the Cave and tries to tell the rest they are invested in an illusion and the real world is something completely different.

The concept of true freedom in contrast to the facsimile they already possess is often too much to comprehend or even entertain as they enjoy their zone of discomfort because its predictable, socially sanctioned and all that they know.

How did you open your eyes in the dream and realize you were actually sleeping previously? Quite an interesting contrast when it kicks because a mind once enlightened can never be darkened and it becomes obvious that is the main thing the world pours in since you step in.
Takuan says life is like a dream and like in a dream you dont realize it is one til you wake up. Your real body is some where else stationary even tho the ears and eyes function in the dream, while outside they do not