Find out everything you believed in is a lie or live in blissful ignorance?

I'd pick...

  • The truth as it really is. (Harsh realities and aggressive content)

  • The truth as I'd like to think it is. (Ignorance is bliss, plus I'm invested)

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Jan 1, 2018
If you've ever read any Philip K you'll be aware of this premise:

Total Recall is based on the book "We Can Remember it for You, Wholesale" so lets pretend this is you. Everyone around you is in on it. They know what you think of as life is complete BS and their main intent is to prevent you from realizing this:

They are willing to go to pretty much any lengths to ensure you don't realize the nature of the trick and want you invested till the end as they string you along with this deception masquerading as an existence:

Except this isn't Arnold playing Quade on a screen for display and entertainment. Lets imagine, just for a moment, this is your own life. Right now. As it stands at this instant. You will be provided with irrefutable proof of the deception that is entirely to your personal satisfaction and then you see what happens next.

What would pick? Why? What do you think about the alternative you'd prefer to ditch? Why?


Jan 1, 2018
Also, bear in mind that to make this more fun I'd like you to pretend this really is the scenario as it stands ergo there would be quite a lot of mental pain to deal with as you discover the world as you think vs what it really is are quite different. Could you handle danging over the edge of schizophrenia itself vs being tenderly gripped by a lie that covers your whole existence?

Not only that but you would also be on your own from that point and no one else would care or comprehend what you're trying to tell them because they are tucked away safely inside their own illusion.

Really ponder the premise before posting please because this perspective can be most profitable for those who possess a mind that can entertain opposing positions and yet still remain balanced to consider all the angles.

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Jun 21, 2012
I feel like us humans are perpetually chasing comfort and happiness.

Even if one were to wake up to the harsh reality, they'll soon be chasing security, purpose and happiness.

And let's say for arguments sake they do achieve it against all odds, and then this same scenario is proposed that this "awakened" reality is still but another false reality.

Would you continue on or choose to be awoken to the possibility of an even worse life?

I would guess that most (if not all) would eventually tap out and choose to live happily in the sim.

Me personally, I've seen and been through enough. Give me the cozy retirement.
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Seoul Gleou

Feb 11, 2017
truth is subjective, so regardless of what option you choose, you are ignorant in one way or another. this choice is an illusion


Jan 1, 2018
If the blissful life includes a great wife that drains my nuts every night, and a successful business then you better not wake me up :ufdup:

You'd genuinely be happy with that illusion? Really? So you'd willingly give up whatever it was they were trying to keep hidden in exchange for here and now creature comforts designed to lull you in to a state akin to snoozing as opposed to rising to your true potential?

Thats like a coal looking at a diamond and saying "Nah, I'm good" because the idea of the pressure in between isn't appealing even though the result speaks for itself as its the song of them played in a much higher octave. What if there were further steps beyond this? Would you be happy to fall at the first hurdle without even wondering of the magnificent potential you didn't know you didn't know you possessed?

This is pretty much modern dating

Open your eyes and accept that that girl is for the streets, or be blissfully ignorant

For sure thats flip because the subtext of the thread is you could apply concept to anything in your life and the answer would be the same. I truly believe most people are even scared to think this thought at depth because of the implications and thus many would gladly pick the manufactured bliss.

truth is subjective, so regardless of what option you choose, you are ignorant in one way or another. this choice is an illusion

Sort of but the lie is a lie, and thats for real because it prevents the truth from even entering your perception due to the deflection the illusion brings. Funny thing is many are so complicit in their own subjugation that if they tripped over the truth they would pick themselves up, do their best to forget it and keep moving because they are simply too far invested in the narrative that was handed to them.

Philip K was a wild cat. His influence is all over the modern age we live as he pretty much predicted it all and then some in his narratives but the theme of this thread was a common underpinning and he revisited the idea of a synthetic reality again and again.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
This is pretty much modern dating

Open your eyes and accept that that girl is for the streets, or be blissfully ignorant
How is it blissful ignorance when you keep being caught off guard by her behavior?

The allure of the red pill dating strategy is that it promises men that they'll be awoken to the reasons why women do the things they do that hurt men. The reality is of course that most people are just stupid and don't know what they want or how to communicate that to other people therefore leading to confusion and frustration for all involved.

Mental health is a topic that schools and society at large does not focus on. So a lot of people have almost zero emotional intelligence. They don't know how to read red flags, they don't know how to sense changes in emotion that are precursors to problematic behavior, they don't know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress in themselves and to let go. They aren't equipped to do this unless they've been fortunate enough to have parents who actually seriously sat down and studied psychology prior to deciding to have kids and have maintained an interest in knowing these topics.