Goog set DROID gang we eatin out chere 

sounds like u need to get a real jobRetail?
I make more money than you![]()
Ok guy....just make sure u don't fukk up my bill this month or i'mma ask for your supervisorWe both know its not![]()
Please show me a cell phone with a FREE FLOATING CAMERA LENS with HARDWARE image stabilization?
Also, please show me a phone with a super sensitive touch screen that can be used with nails or gloves?
Please show me a phone with an HD+ display with clearblack technology and 60MHz refresh rate?
Please show me a cell phone that comes in cyan, red, and grey?
I'll wait....
Are you somephotographer, takin pictures of rainbows, and waterfalls and wilderness
You a chick wearin gloves or have long nails tryin to text your girrrrrlfriends?
You wanna be real stylish like a bytch with your cyan colored phone?
If so then enjoy your nokia with those womanly features b....
The men will be over here rockin our matte black iphones![]()
You post was filled with lies. Just posting dumb smilies after every valid point i made doesn't bolster your argument. It cements your position as a clueless istan though. Im sure you'll learn to appreciate these features once Apple introduces them in the Iphone 7.
We'll be waiting for you in the future brehs. Enjoy your new iphone.
Ask RIM what happens when you dont innovate.
this is honestly and truthfully one of the dumbest fukking posts ive read in my life.
These past few hours is the exact reason I cant stand working at Verizon besides the retail hours, look at how fukking dumb 99% cell phone users are. Just the fukking dumbest group of people on this earth.
Every single fukking day "ay my phone just stopped working, whats wrong with it, something wrong with it!!!" *turns on phone* looks like here you held down the end call button too long, which is also the power button
"How come my iphone 4s doesnt have 4g" ..because it is a 3g phone, why would you under the impression it was a 4g phone ? because it has the number 4 in it ?
We got fukking dumb stupid fukkin idiots comparing 3 different phones to 1 phone, why not compare the razr maxx battery to the One X battery![]()
We seriously got people in here comparing Apple to RIMwhat in the fukk just log the fukk off, iPhone 4/4s is still the best selling phone AS OF TODAY let alone when the iphone 5 drops, trying to compare them to RIM which blackberry just came out with a story yesterday saying some retail stores have failed to sell 1 blackberry phone all year
fukk retail
fukk retail customers as a staff and label
Remember when Hammer went diamond?![]()
I dont know, how about a TRULY HD display, Wireless charging, HD camera with optical image stabilization, Curved back, NFC, super sensitive touch screen for use with gloves?
Thats what you call innovation, found in the new Nokia 920. I know innovation is no big deal unless Apple tells you it is, but just try and open your eyes to the alternate world that is the Lumia 920. You wont regret it, trust me.