fighting impure thoughts


Sep 2, 2014
You be having fantasies about being on a episode of Animorphs breh? :heh:
No, but when I day dream, im typically the last man on earth. Sometimes its just me alone like its always been that way, other times I pulled a Lobo and
commited some extinction level genocide. For how sexual I can be sometimes, I surprisingly don't think about it much, and instead some way weird shyt.

If its any consolation, I used to feel intense shame fantasizing about a girl I knew years ago. She would get my engine going and I felt real bad, cause I knew I eventually
had to speak to her. Little did she know the Tower of Power was last erected in her image:francis:


Nov 5, 2015
No, but when I day dream, im typically the last man on earth. Sometimes its just me alone like its always been that way, other times I pulled a Lobo and
commited some extinction level genocide. For how sexual I can be sometimes, I surprisingly don't think about it much, and instead some way weird shyt.

If its any consolation, I used to feel intense shame fantasizing about a girl I knew years ago. She would get my engine going and I felt real bad, cause I knew I eventually
had to speak to her. Little did she know the Tower of Power was last erected in her image:francis:

I do things like that sometimes, I come up with movie like scenarios or adventures. That's probably why my ideas in writing are so creative.


Sep 2, 2014
I do things like that sometimes, I come up with movie like scenarios or adventures. That's probably why my ideas in writing are so creative.
:francis:So your daydreams materialize in Super-8 quality too, or is that me? I have a habit of asking folks to repeat things because if I'm left alone long enough, my daydreams
cloud all my senses. I can function while daydreaming, but my perception is waaaaaaaaaaay off.


Nov 5, 2015
:francis:So your daydreams materialize in Super-8 quality too, or is that me? I have a habit of asking folks to repeat things because if I'm left alone long enough, my daydreams
cloud all my senses. I can function while daydreaming, but my perception is waaaaaaaaaaay off.

Yes @ all of this.


Coming For The Crown (Japanese Dreaming)
Jun 8, 2013
kant it seem to me youre having a good ol fashion internal battle....between good and evil...satan on one end and an angel on the other....

Now im not no prophet so I cant tell u whats right or wrong, but im a man of chance...rolling the dice, and whatever move u make will affect your life. but who knows maybe giving in might work? or it might destroy your life? i dont know, whatever u do, just make the decision that YOU want to do and live with the results.....

its nothing wrong with fantasizing, i used to fantasize a whole lot before becoming disinterested in sex... ....i was a real dirtbag, a sexual deviant of sorts....i beat me meat to things that should probably be unconstitutional, but whatever....

before u enter that life....ask yourself are u ready for the demons that come with it.....all this shyt start out innocent, first youre into normal sex and fast forward youll be tied up with a gag in your mouth somewhere contemplating what went wrong or who knows, maybe youll enjoy it...whos to say right, i dont know just make sure you think this thing out...thats my advice


a bene placito
Oct 2, 2015
It's not as uncommon as you think. As long as you can keep it form interfering with your work and relationships, embrace it.


Nov 5, 2015
kant it seem to me youre having a good ol fashion internal battle....between good and evil...satan on one end and an angel on the other....

Now im not no prophet so I cant tell u whats right or wrong, but im a man of chance...rolling the dice, and whatever move u make will affect your life. but who knows maybe giving in might work? or it might destroy your life? i dont know, whatever u do, just make the decision that YOU want to do and live with the results.....

its nothing wrong with fantasizing, i used to fantasize a whole lot before becoming disinterested in sex... ....i was a real dirtbag, a sexual deviant of sorts....i beat me meat to things that should probably be unconstitutional, but whatever....

before u enter that life....ask yourself are u ready for the demons that come with it.....all this shyt start out innocent, first youre into normal sex and fast forward youll be tied up with a gag in your mouth somewhere contemplating what went wrong or who knows, maybe youll enjoy it...whos to say right, i dont know just make sure you think this thing out...thats my advice

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Oct 8, 2014
I think that's just for men:
Matthew 5:28

28But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman to lust after her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Luckily for the OP, a boner is not an option. You, my lady, are free to go about your business-->unless you are fantasizing about women :usure:.



Queen of Swords
Jan 28, 2014
East of Anywhere
Don't worry about it. Its not a big deal.

I'd say the biggest issue is you claiming what's natural as "impure". Hopefully you aren't beating yourself over it.


To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself. It represents psychological completion. You need to be more receptive and incorporate aspects of your dream sex partner into your own character. Consider the nature of the love-making. Was it passionate? Was it slow? Was it wild? The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. A more direct interpretation of the dream may be your libido's way of telling you that it has been too long since you have had sex. It may indicate repressed sexual desires and your needs for physical and emotional love. If you are looking for a place to have sex, then the dream may be analogous to your search for intimacy and closeness. You want to rekindle some relationship. If you dream of having sex in a public place, then the dream implies that others are talking about your private relationship.

To dream about sex with someone other than your spouse or significant other suggests dissatisfaction with the physical side of your relationship. On the other hand, it may be harmless fantasy. In such situations, you may find that you are less inhibited sexually. Perhaps you need to bring the same sense of adventure into your existing relationship.

To dream that you are having sex with an ex or someone who is not your current mate denotes your reservations about embarking in a new relationship or situation. You may feel nervous ab out exposing yourself and are feeling a resurgence of those old emotions and feelings that you felt back when you and your ex were together. If you are approaching your wedding date, then is not uncommon to experience especially erotic adventures with partners other than your intended spouse. This may be due to the intensity of the sexual passion with your fianc�. It also relates to the new roles that you will be taking on and the uncertainty that that may bring.

To dream that you are having sex with a stranger represents uncertainty about what is ahead. Alternatively, the dream allows you to experiment freely without having any hang ups, emotional baggage or preconceived notions associated with a person you would know. In such a scenario, you are able to let loose and express your desires, passions and emotions. In particular, if you dream of having sex with multiple partners at the same time, then it indicates that you are feeling detached in your personal relationship. You feel that sex is just an act devoid of any emotion or passion. Perhaps your sex life has become too automated.

To dream that you are having sex with a friend refers to the closeness you share with your friend. Because you two share so much between each other and know so much about each other, the dreaming mind may depict this closeness as sex. Alternatively, such a dream indicates a level of attraction between you and your friend, but you are too afraid to act on it. Thus your desires are manifested in a dream.

If you are heterosexual and you dream that you are having sex with someone of the same sex, then it represents an expression of greater self love and acceptance. You need to be in better touch of your feminine or masculine side. The dream does not necessarily imply homosexual desire.

To dream that you are having sex with a celebrity indicates your drive to be successful. You are striving for recognition. Consider what movies you associate this celebrity with for clues as to where and what you want to achieve success in.

To dream that you are having sex with your boss signifies your desires for authority and control. You are feeling empowered.

To see others having sex in your dream refers to your own desires of being more adventurous in your own sex life.

To see your parents having sex in your dream indicate that you are seeing similar aspects between their relationship and your current relationship. Most cringe at the thought of your parents having sex, so this dream imagery is really trying to get your attention. Consider your parents' real life relationship together and what you can learn from it.

To dream that yo u are the opposite sex suggests that you need to incorporate certain qualities of the opposite sex. Ask yourself how do you feel being a man or a woman? In what ways can you incorporate those feelings into your waking life.