The worst fight night ever, only good thing was it had Floyd in it.Give me Fight Night round 2 HD
I'll beat the shyt out of everyone on this board with Toney
Belee dat![]()
you lucky I have a heartI only passed on the info bro. I am just a boxing fan who desperately wants a boxing game.
So sad still. I long deeply for any kind of boxing game on current gen.
Buying a ps3 soon, so I can resume my thirst. My OG ps3 died in 2015.
I get beyond thirsty to play fight night
I got XB1 so I'm waiting for them to announce backwards compatibility for it. FN Champion has the most votes of the series, but pales in comparison to other games like COD, and they take their sweet ass time choosing their titles, so I might have to pick up a PS3/360 also.
word im on the 4 but I kept my ps3 strictly to play FN, still got my games just need a new system. It's just crazy how hot boxing has been and all the guys that probably would take a lil bread to be in the game, free promo