FIFA corruption scandal thread


Jul 17, 2013

Most world leaders remained mum, apparently waiting for more details to emerge, but Mr. Putin went on the offensive immediately.:salute::smugbiden:

Mr. Putin also defended Sepp Blatter, the Swiss president of the organization, probably an important endorsement as he battles to retain the presidency in a vote scheduled for Friday amid the scandal.:handshake:

Russia is expected to spend $11.5 billion on new stadiums and other infrastructure projects that have already started, according to government statistics. In the past, such lucrative contracts often went to Kremlin favorites. :manny:

After the resounding success of the Sochi Olympics :ucku:at home despite a boycott by Western leaders, Mr. Putin is most likely looking forward to 2018, when he will be up for re-election.

Swiss prosecutors announced a criminal investigation into the awarding of the 2018 World Cup to Russia and the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. Russia’s World Cup plans survived an internal FIFA investigation last year, but the Russian bidding team members had refused to turn over their computers. All equipment used in the bidding process was subsequently destroyed, the investigators said.

Russian sports minister, denied that the Russian bidding committee had used bribery to ensure that his country would host the World Cup. An impartial investigation turned up nothing, he said.

“So once again, they’re going to go through the case, once again they’re going to question people,” Mr. Mutko said. “You know, you can talk about corruption for as long as humanity will continue to exist.”:upsetfavre:

the nation’s loss of superpower status opened up greater opportunities for the United States to act with impunity anywhere in the world:camby:. Mr. Putin’s pronouncements on this issue have won him a global fan club:bow::bow::bow: :dj2:as the man who stands up to American bullying:wow:. His strategy might backfire in this case, however, because FIFA is widely perceived as being riddled with corrupt officials and Mr. Putin could be seen as defending them.

In standing up for Mr. Blatter, Mr. Putin seemed to be defending a loyal friend, as is his habit, pointing out that Russia had “special relations” with FIFA. Mr. Blatter has generally taken the stance that sports and politics do not mix :duck:and Mr. Putin said he endorsed that.:handshake::cheers:

When President Petro O. Poroshenko of Ukraine suggested this year that teams boycott the 2018 World Cup over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, Mr. Blatter issued a rare public rebuke, saying not only that the World Cup would take place as scheduled, but also that it might help solve the crisis.:birdman:

After defending Mr. Blatter’s reputation, Mr. Putin continued his offensive against the United States zionists.:myman:

“We know the United States’ position on the former National Security Agency agent Snowden, who uncovered illegal acts by the United States around the globe,” Mr. Putin said. Mr. Snowden fled to Russia after making his identity public and has since been granted a temporary residency permit, but he is still seeking asylum in the European Union.

“Unfortunately, our American zionist partners use these methods to achieve their selfish goals and persecute people illegally,” he said. “I don’t rule out that this may be the same case with FIFA.”
the corrupt jews who control american sports and media are jealous of the money could get out of soccer. they sent a plants to soccer to take it from blatter.

to make matters better or worse my mans blatter has been using his platform to get israel out of world soccer for what they're doing to the palestinians.

i'm riding with you know who on this one :myman:


Jul 17, 2013
Protesters interrupt FIFA congress to demand Israel's expulsion

we have controlled opposition too :sas2:

Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
So, let's get this straight. . . For a game that surrounds kicking a fukking ball, we get arrests, raids, faces showing all over the media etc.???

But for the rigging of currency markets and interest rates ( that effect us all we get anonymous individuals, fines, softball ''penalties''???

The FIFA officials must have pissed someone off or didn't pay someone off.

Big Business and the Banks run this country and can't pay serious cash for those politicians. So jackshyt will happen to them


Jul 17, 2013
Reasons why Sepp Blatter dare not sue . . .and the list keeps growing.

# Why has senior Vice-President Julio Grondona not been expelled for making grossly anti-Semitic remarks - ‘I do not believe a Jew can ever be a referee at that level (Argentine Premier League) because it’s hard work and, you know, Jews don’t like hard work’ - during an Argentine television programme in 2003?

# Why do you refuse to produce documentation revealing how much you take from FIFA in salary, bonuses, allowances and other perks?

# Who pays your tax bill?

# How much FIFA money have you spent on legal fees in recent years trying to intimidate reporters seeking to publish the truth about corruption at FIFA?

# How much FIFA money have you spent on legal fees trying to get Magistrate Hildbrand removed from the criminal investigation into bribery at FIFA and your role in it?

# Why do you refuse to expel FIFA Vice-President Jack Warner for his black market rackets selling thousands of World Cup tickets?

# Why have you allowed Warner to get away with lying to American immigration officials to obtain a visa for an aide?

# Why did you write a furious letter in 2001 to French businessman Jerome Valcke, who had been examining the financial records of ISL, accusing him of attempting to blackmail ‘certain gentlemen’ at FIFA.

# Why did you then appoint Mr Valcke in June 2003 to be Head of FIFA Marketing?

# Why did you appoint Valcke in 2007 to be FIFA’s general secretary, despite a New York judge denouncing him as a liar?

# Why has no action been taken against Executive Committee member Chuck Blazer, accused by the same judge of fabricating evidence?


i don't know. they going in on my mans.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
The FIFA Scandal Enters Its Conspiracy-Theory Phase
Was it U.S. vengefulness or a concert of vague “dark forces” that led to the indictment of 14 soccer officials?


Andrea De Silva / Reuters

Perhaps no human endeavor inspires the turning of more conspiratorial gears than professional sports. From Michael Jordan’s eyebrow-raising first retirementto Sonny Liston’s suspicious fall against Muhammed Ali to Curt Schilling’s bloody sock, the quest to identify corrupting forces is a sport unto itself.

Of course, when it comes to the world’s most popular game, the Internet is practically one enormous smoke-filled room. Last week’s arrest of several FIFA officials and executives, which preceded the surreally tidy re-election of FIFA head Sepp Blatter, appeared to be unimpeachable proof of true sports wickedness—corruption, graft, shadowy dealings, thrown bidding processes—the very salt and meat of evil connivances.

What could trump this kind of malfeasance? According to the anti-American conspiracy theorists, the indictments themselves are the real scandal. Russia wasamong the first to cry foul. “We know the pressure that was exerted on [Blatter] with the aim of banning the 2018 World Cup in Russia,"said Russian President Vladimir Putin, who blamed the United States for “persecuting” the FIFA chief.

On Sunday, Blatter’s daughter Corrine chimed in to call out the “dark forces” responsible for the plot against her father. "I wouldn't say from the Americans and the British, but certainly people working behind the scenes, yes absolutely,” she said.

Then there were the remarks of Jack Warner, a former FIFA executive, whoreleased a video to protest the corruption charges against him. In it, he said American actions against FIFA were simple revenge for the U.S. loss of its bid to host the 2022 World Cup. “The U.S. applied to hold the World Cup in 2022 and they lost the bid to Qatar —a small country, an Arabic country, a Muslim country,” said Warner in the video.

More notably, Warner actually held up a printed out copy of an article from The Onion, which claimed (satirically) that a separate World Cup tournament was already underway in the United States, organized by FIFA to get the Americans off its back. The article concluded thus:

At press time, the U.S. national team was leading defending champions Germany in the World Cup’s opening match after being awarded 12 penalties in the game’s first three minutes.

Warner deleted and reposted an edited version of the video later without the article in it, but the desperate seizing upon of farce didn’t start and end with The Onion.

On Sunday, as The Moscow Times reported, the Russian state newspaperRossiiskaya Gazeta responded to a satirical blog post by The New Yorker’s Andy Borowitz. In it, Borowitz had written that Senator John McCain had called for military action against FIFA: “‘These are people who only understand one thing: force. … We must make FIFA taste the vengeful might and fury of the United States military.’”

Rossiiskaya Gazeta’s Vladislav Vorobyov cited the fake quotes as proof of American willingness to bomb “any place on the planet.”


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
FIFA Film: An Epic Fantasy

The movie opens with a few Europeans envisioning an international soccer association that would foster good will among nations and elevate the level of play. The villains are the British, comically resistant to any intrusion in the game they invented.

One stiff-upper-lip twit asks, “What do foreigners understand of our beautiful game?” Another says: “Negroes? Playing football? Why not women while we’re at it? That would be quite amusing, eh?”

(The movie, by the way, has not been well received in England.)

The film seeks drama in the building of a stadium in Uruguay before the first World Cup; in the creation of the World Cup trophy; in the ups and downs of executives during war and depression. Whenever Mr. Rimet, played by Mr. Depardieu, becomes discouraged, his daughter, played by Jemima West, raises his spirits with lines that echo another movie, about a woman called Scarlett, a plantation called Tara. ..

Finally, there is Mr. Blatter, the St. Thomas More of soccer administration, saving the game from financial ruin, expanding the role of women, fighting corruption from within.

“From now on, we will be exemplary in all respects,” Mr. Blatter announces to FIFA officials after his election in 1998. “The slightest breach of ethics will be severely punished.”

As the film says at the start: “dramatic fiction.”

FIFA recommended the film in a blurb of a letter to its members. “Open, self-critical, and highly enjoyable,” wrote Jérôme Valcke, its secretary general, who is now suspected of being involved in a $10 million transferthat figures in a bribery case.

After Cannes, the movie appeared in a few countries, including Russia and Azerbaijan, but never in France, to its French director’s puzzlement and dismay. “I don’t know if this comes from FIFA or the producers,” he said. “It’s a shame. It’s not such crap.”

just blurbs @Liu Kang did you ever catch this?

Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
FIFA Film: An Epic Fantasy

The movie opens with a few Europeans envisioning an international soccer association that would foster good will among nations and elevate the level of play. The villains are the British, comically resistant to any intrusion in the game they invented.

One stiff-upper-lip twit asks, “What do foreigners understand of our beautiful game?” Another says: “Negroes? Playing football? Why not women while we’re at it? That would be quite amusing, eh?”

(The movie, by the way, has not been well received in England.)

The film seeks drama in the building of a stadium in Uruguay before the first World Cup; in the creation of the World Cup trophy; in the ups and downs of executives during war and depression. Whenever Mr. Rimet, played by Mr. Depardieu, becomes discouraged, his daughter, played by Jemima West, raises his spirits with lines that echo another movie, about a woman called Scarlett, a plantation called Tara. ..

Finally, there is Mr. Blatter, the St. Thomas More of soccer administration, saving the game from financial ruin, expanding the role of women, fighting corruption from within.

“From now on, we will be exemplary in all respects,” Mr. Blatter announces to FIFA officials after his election in 1998. “The slightest breach of ethics will be severely punished.”

As the film says at the start: “dramatic fiction.”

FIFA recommended the film in a blurb of a letter to its members. “Open, self-critical, and highly enjoyable,” wrote Jérôme Valcke, its secretary general, who is now suspected of being involved in a $10 million transferthat figures in a bribery case.

After Cannes, the movie appeared in a few countries, including Russia and Azerbaijan, but never in France, to its French director’s puzzlement and dismay. “I don’t know if this comes from FIFA or the producers,” he said. “It’s a shame. It’s not such crap.”

just blurbs @Liu Kang did you ever catch this?
Catch what ? The movie ?