but theres successful directors
Guillermo Del Torro
Robert Rodriguez
Alfonso Curron
George Romero
Jorge Padilla
Nimrod Antal
and they all cast latinos in their movies, not always the star but they give work out, and in production
they're doing what they can
Rodriguez has his own network…El Rey ..people need to support it because he's trying to change the landscape:Hulk Hogan You FD Up:
and threres other latino actors who have had starring roles in big movies
Danny Trejo
Beninicio Del Toro
Gael García Bernal
however as a Puerto Rican, with all these movies and tv shows set in new york…how are you not going to at least see a puerto rican cross the street
Guillermo Del Torro
Robert Rodriguez
Alfonso Curron
George Romero
Jorge Padilla
Nimrod Antal
and they all cast latinos in their movies, not always the star but they give work out, and in production
they're doing what they can

Rodriguez has his own network…El Rey ..people need to support it because he's trying to change the landscape:Hulk Hogan You FD Up:
and threres other latino actors who have had starring roles in big movies
Danny Trejo
Beninicio Del Toro
Gael García Bernal
however as a Puerto Rican, with all these movies and tv shows set in new york…how are you not going to at least see a puerto rican cross the street