Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
Some people are speculating that things will die down between now and whenever. But... you are compartmentalizing and merely factoring in this single incedent with Mike being murdered.
Like I pointed out, just this morning another unarmed black man was killed by cops in San Bernadino (Cali) and thats in addition to the mentally ill black dude LAPD killed a few days back. So even if this particular outrage coasts for awhile, assuming no appeasement or progress is perceived then the next outrage doesn't start over, it picks up where this one left off.

We are only here in part because of Mike, because keeping it a buck, the outrage would not be this far up on the meter had it not been for Trayvon Martin.

So really, just calming shyt down isn't gonna work indefinately. Unless concessions are made where people feel like something is gained, then the slightest thing like a white dude cutting off the wrong nikka in traffic might spark something way bigger than it should.

I think they realize at some level that they have to at least make it look like they are tryna do something to address the concerns of the black community just for their own safety and peace of mind. So something will be done, I feel.

Even going back to Donald Sterling. All that shyt factors in. People don't get emotional over one thing. It takes a whirlwind of bullshyt to stir folk up like this.


You Don't Have The Answers...
Nov 12, 2012
Elm City
"If something happens to me IT WAS TARIQ EVERYBODY!!!"



Nefflum nigga

Bred from insolence
Jun 17, 2012
Just came back from all the action in Ferguson. I live 15 minutes from this area. Grew up going around this area my whole life. Never seen a scene like this with all of my black people together. Little kids holding up their hands chanting "don't shoot." No matter what goes on, my city has soul and culture. I'll always be a St. Louis man even if I move one day.

That's my city :to:



My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
This is what Cacs think (why are the most racist Whites always on sports forums) :snoop:

They can say one event doesn't have anything to do with the other but it changes my opinion of Brown. No longer do I view him as a kid minding his own business irritated by a cop that was hassling him because of his skin color. I see him as a bully, thief, & thug that thought he was being busted for the strong arm robbery & aggravated assault he just committed so he was desperate to get away at all cost. Since he is a bully, he thought he could intimidate the soft spoken mild mannered police officer that has been serving his community with distinction. The officer didn't have to be aware that Brown was a suspect because Brown was keenly aware and was raging at the possibility of being caught. After Brown attacked the officer, he thought the officer would back down since he had already beat him about the head & neck according to medical reports about the extensive injuries suffered by Officer Wilson. Having made every attempt to diffuse the situation, Officer Wilson had no choice but to defend himself from a one man rampage. By my count, Brow had committed multiple felonies & misdemeanors and thought he was about to be locked for a long time so he decided he was going down swinging and taking out as many of those trying to protect and serve as he could. Let see what all charges Brown was facing.
  • Robbery
  • Aggravated assault (on cashier)
  • Jaywalking
  • Resisting arrest
  • Felony evading
  • Aggravated assault(police officer)
  • Attempted murder(police officer)
  • Attempted robbery(trying to steal cop's gun

We have to stop putting trust in their systems and create our own brand of justice.
Aug 14, 2014
You think so breh? :patrice: The protests seemed toned down tonight, with some struggle chants on some "hands up :manny:.... don't shoot :yeshrug:"

Idk, nikka, the trial will be a year from now, and the way people are today, the hype will be much less. Too many nikkas are all talk, no action. So we'll see, but I'd bet that nothing major happens if the cac goes free, which is what most are expecting.

There ain't a damn doubt in my mind. If the dude isn't arrested within a week, it's gonna get straight up whoopi goldberg in STL.

Think about it, this ain't them soft ass "We Are 99% c00n" protests, or those "pay me $15 an hour to fakk up yo food" shindigs. STL already done showed they ain't scared of no tanks, they ain't scared of no snipers, they were throwin dat tear gas back at dem cacs without spillin a got dayum chip breh. Only reason numbers are down tonight is because its raining, and nikkas still shot someone last night, black panthers had to save a cop from a mob (who would'a seen that shyt comin?), and tonight there's more shots fired. There's actually a lot more coming up on the scanners tonight then there was last night.

Word is Westboro's dumbasses are gonna show up for the funeral. You KNOW the black panthers gonna run up on dem and the STL PD are gonna claim they heard shots fired in the other direction and let that asswhoopin happen breh.

This ain't nowhere near over. Removing the tear gas was a temporary solution. Once ground zero hears the news about the lady who was told she couldn't try to revive Mike Brown, and the info about the store not giving the cops that tape til friday yet claiming the store called the police, they're gonna get riled up. It is happening already.

You know the cop was in the wrong when even white people actually making up big numbers of a protest for black people. Granted, it ain't them $200k a year crackas, but them 30-50k coffee creamer ass muthafakkas out there in big enough numbers that the black panthers were actually being civil with em.


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
I thought things were cooling out last night? What did I miss that made shyt get ugly again tonight?


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
you'd think that after 400 years of slavery, we'd be the ones fukking them over. yet its them who are still furious with us :yeshrug:

I dont understand

Good point. So that means if their hate for us cannot be explained by anything we did to them, then the hate can only be explained from a spiritual level...in another dimension so to speak. Their hate has a spiritual origin in relation to us inheriting the kingdom to come which will be set on earth. Read Genesis 25 to 27. The hate for the descendants of Jacob is actually a spiritual characteristic of the descendants of Esau (the so-called white man). It all has to do with us being the rightful heir to the Kingdom of God and them being our servants.

Genesis 27
41 And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing wherewith his father blessed him: and Esau said in his heart, The days of mourning for my father are at hand; then will I slay my brother Jacob.

42 And these words of Esau her elder son were told to Rebekah: and she sent and called Jacob her younger son, and said unto him, Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee.

These two verses are the origins of the hate. So called black Americans are from the tribe of Judah, the head tribe of Israel (the real Jews)...so get it worse because according to the prophecies of the coming of Christ...the tribe of Judah has to rise first before the other tribes of Israel wake up, which will led to the 2nd coming of Christ. The black man is the express image of God and his Son on earth...so we get it the worse in this current world. The white elites are very much aware that they are Edomites and you are the real Israelites. That is why code words like Jewish and Israeli are used in UN and political discussions by the fake Jews and the world leaders. You will never hear them utter the words Judah or Israelite because that might make some you nikkas wake up and they don't want that. As long as our people don't know who we are, they will continue to control and confuse you, but their time is coming to an end because the Israelite movement is spreading like wildfire.

Here is a little clue: 1619 was the beginning of the slavery (captivity) for the bulk of tribe of Judah in Amerikkka. Now remember the according the Bible, there large amounts of the descendants that were scattered across the world. A lot in Africa, some in Asia. Based on multiple prophecies about the final Babylon (aka daughter of Babylon) which is Amerikkka, it appears that the Amerikkkan captivity is a great timeline to follow because...you cannot officially subdue the children of Israel unless you have subdued the head tribe, Judah.

Genesis 15
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance.

The nation that was Egypt (Mizraim, the original name of the nation/land...son of Ham). This time around the nation that will be judged is Edom (also known spiritually as the daughter of Babylon in the scriptures). The old definition of nation (1828 webster's) according to etymology imports, originally denoted a family or race of men descended from a common progenitor (aka forefather). So it does, not matter to the Most High if you no longer live in the land that was given to your forefather when the world's population was very tiny, all people go back to one of the forefathers of the different nations in the Bible after the Flood. What Amerikkka has created by bringing all people together as one...goes back to the Tower of Babel. That is complete confusion...hence why Babylon means land of confusion. God is all about segregation which is reason why he separated the sons of Adam after the Flood and gave each different lands to occupy, Israel was the last nation given in inheritance because they were the smallest nation at the time (Deut. 32:8).. Amerikkka is not a nation...its one big as city split into 10 zip codes regions. These Edomites changed definition of nation over time to hide everybody from their nation of origin according to the Bible. Amerikkka is the head of modern day Edomites with the other NATO/EU countries right behind them.

Now, 2019 will be 400 years of captivity. So expect, the acceleration of the prophecies of judgements to occur more frequently leading to the deliverance of our people. No doubt, in my mind Christ is coming back before 2050. So, get right or get burned, especially if you are a descendant of Israel. Being willingly ignorant will not save a man from the coming destruction