Nefflum nigga
Bred from insolence
That's enough internet for today. Enjoy your weekend
you do the same, brotha
That's enough internet for today. Enjoy your weekend
i respect you for that unlike some of these fake no action all outrage militants on here but honestly i don't believe this dude is worth all the outrage. there are far more other causes for black folk to get fired up over.
Nah I'll dm you it
The big piece of news that everyone needs to be waiting for now is : Are there any fingerprints from Mike or his friend on the weapon.
I expect the autopsy to show that he was shot the way they said he was...and while that in and of itself should be illegal...a jury trial IS NOT send this dude away if those kids made an attempt for his piece (If they are even willing to put him away at all).
Doesn't look good at all brehs. I think this is going to be another Zimmerman.
I wanna post something but I'm not sure if I should cause Idk who's in this thread or lurking and could use this information as a further assignation of character to justify his murder
35 posts?
No, fed..
Man somebody need to get at Mike legal team and let them know about that shyt. Everyone know they gonna trynna use this in court. Them white dudes at the other forum already may have downloaded it though.
True the cops legal team probably searched the internet thoroughly for anything attatched to his name. If some regular dudes on a forum found it, they already dude, if it's out there and can be used to further denigrate his character, they already found it.![]()
Yeah... PM some shyt you don't wanna post to the nikka that joined tuesday.oooOOOoo pm that shyt
what will?eh, that wasnt that bad , it will eventually come out on its own i guess
could you pm me as well?
I wouldn't be surprised if they put the gun in the dude's hand after he was dead yo. That is the lengths they are going to cover this up it seems. They have already started a riot, shot a young lady in the head, changed their story, and refused to speak with witnesses.
Man somebody need to get at Mike legal team and let them know about that shyt. Everyone know they gonna trynna use this in court. Them white dudes at the other forum already may have downloaded it though.
nopost it, no ones looking