Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)

The Electric Lady

Post and toke
Oct 16, 2012
I want to thank everyone in this thread. I LOVE YA'LL. EVERYONE ONE OF YOU. :salute:

With the police in regular uniforms and without military weapons, drones, and APCs, everything went smoothly in ST Louis apparently last night. Police joined the match and protests and mingled with the people and acted how they were supposed to: serving the public as servants. Not a single arrest was made.

We need to stay vigilant despite this feel good atmosphere. Remember, a young black man was killed by police in Florida yesterday. Also in Tampa, they invaded a house, smashed all the pictures, punched a kid in the eye, and hit another with the butt of a gun; it was the wrong house. This is for Eric Garner, who died on NYC streets from a heart attack while being choked by police and kicked in the head while struggling to say,"I can't breathe!!" As they took him down like an animal for supposedly selling CIGARETTES. This is for John Crawford, who was killed by police in a Wal-mart for buying a fake gun. The police didn't ask questions and shot first. This is for Trayvon Martin, whose killer is still out there, attending gun shows and being a jackass.

This is for Mike Brown.

Mike Brown helped unite the black community in ways I haven't seen before in my life. All of this shows is that is that the struggle is still here, no matter how cushy we are at our jobs or homes, we will always still be black and a people without a country , and for that we must fight back!

We need to keep it moving and continue with this. Sharpton's not gonna be around forever, we need new leaders, and with a wave of natural hair, protests, and marching, I think we can create a new era of Black Power.
I'm going to join my local NAACP.

Action, not words, solves matters.

Rest in peace Mike Brown and ALL other victims of racism and police brutality. Your deaths will not be in vain!!!
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Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012

Jacquielynn Floyd

Be wary of police? Didn’t think so until Ferguson

Shame on me, since it took the cops roughing up a few reporters to draw my full attention to the unfolding drama on the streets of Ferguson, Mo.

If someone — especially someone young, male, and black — is reading this and thinking sardonically, “Well, welcome to my world!” the point is well taken.

We should all be paying close attention.


You don't fukking say.


Jun 9, 2013


I’ve been incredibly blessed in my life with the ability to earn a good living telling stories. I’m not naive to my privilege or the opportunities it affords me.
But there are still too many places in America where I’m a Brotha Man (even though they couch it in a different vernacular) born in Mobile, Alabama and raised in Greenville, South Carolina. I’ve been reminded of this on the too frequent occasions in my adult life where I’ve been pulled over by cops for no legitimate reason (other than the ones they came up with after the fact). And let’s be real — I haven’t experienced a fraction of what working class folks in places like Ferguson deal with on a daily basis. Cuz we all know there’s nothing more criminal than being POOR and BLACK.
So I wonder…
#IfTheyGunnedMeDown what photo would they use?


Apr 30, 2012
I want to thank everyone in this thread. I LOVE YA'LL. EVERYONE ONE OF YOU. :salute:

With the police in regular uniforms and without military weapons, drones, and APCs, everything went smoothly in ST Louis apparently last night. Police joined the match and protests and mingled with the people and acted how they were supposed to: serving the public as servants. Not a single arrest was made.

We need to stay vigilant despite this feel good atmosphere. Remember, a young black man was killed by police in Florida yesterday. Also in Tampa, they invaded a house, smashed all the pictures, punched a kid in the eye, and hit another with the butt of a gun; it was the wrong house. This is for Eric Garner, who died on NYC streets from a heart attack while being choked by police and kicked in the head while struggling to say,"I can't breathe!!" As they took him down like an animal for supposedly selling CIGARETTES. This is for John Crawford, who was killed by police in a Wal-mart for buying a fake gun. The police didn't ask questions and shot first. This is for Trayvon Martin, whose killer is still out there, attending gun shows and being a jackass.

This is for Mike Brown.

Mike Brown helped unite the black community in ways I haven't seen before in my life. All of this shows is that is that the struggle is still here, no matter how cushy we are at our jobs or homes, we will always still be black and a people without a country , and for that we must fight back!

We need to keep it moving and continue with this. Sharpton's not gonna be around forever, we need new leaders, and with a wave of natural hair, protests, and marching, I think we can create a new era of Black Power.
I'm going to join my local NAACP.

Action, not words, solves matters.

Rest in peace Mike Brown and ALL other victims of racism and police brutality. Your deaths will not be in vain!!!

When you say Black Power we all have our own definition but the NAACP and me don't hold the same goals.


May 4, 2012
The earliest video shot of Mike Brown is up:

EVERYONE has the same story, you can hear em all in the video. That lawyer is gonna have to be on some serious Harvard shyt to bail this pig out

:to: Mike Brown's dad rushing to his son and getting escorted away at 3:00.

I hope they really release the name of the killer and he gets what he deserves...fukk cacs.

Edit: Ferguson police about to release the name of the killer.

Stream of press conference: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news...e-chief-expected-release-name-officer-n181346
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