Barry was straight up there like

what did Barry say![]()
:righthererightnow:Something a friend of mine posted after having discussions on this.
Barry was straight up there like
i see what you did herePay attention man Bush just got off the stage
The ball is in Eric Holder's court, he better not fukk this up like he did Trayvon's murder![]()
I'm saying.
He spoke against the rioting/looting as he should.
Spoke against the police reactions thus far.
Spoke against the 1st Amendment rights being infringed upon.
Spoke against media/journalist being mistreated and hampered from doing their job.
Has tasked the FBI and DOJ to investigate this entire matter.
What else did y'all expect?
If you were expecting his speech to come across like a thecoli post or a series of tweet then a lot of you have delusions of grandeur when it comes to the position as POTUS.