@Napoleon Still think America is for black people?
"We've improved our standing" huh
Someone pointed out that MLK was the perfect embodiment of a black person for cacs
Promoted peace and unity
Their nightmare:
Malcom X
Promoted action and divisiveness
They both ended up being assassinated
Though their methods were vastly different;
They committed the heinous, treasonous crime of wanting a better future for black people
This shyt's got me heated
Slavery, mass rape, pillaging of Africa, colonization, lynchings, Jim Crow, Jim Crow 2.0.
White people man, despite all of the above I still had hope for them, I foolishly clung on to the notion that they aren't all evil, that their humanity could still somehow be redeemed.
That's where I went wrong though, they have no humanity.
The fukk we ever do to them?
The real life reactions on Facebook and Twitter, on the comments sections of various websites.
They have this incredible ability where they can cause death and destruction, blind their eyes, become deaf to the suffering of others, REFUSE to accept responsibility then have the audacity to point the fingers at the oppressed.
That alone should be testament to their lack of humanity.
And I mean shyt, its not just blacks, they have fukked the world over so many times over and over.
All the white contacts on my phone are gone, Facebook and other social media accounts will follow suit.
I don't want to live my entire life filled with anger and hatred.
The world would have avoided alot of suffering and strife if the bubonic plague had finished its job.