LA Fisher
Brehs is there a LIVE stream available? The shyt I was watching was recorded 

the way the police is being aggresive seems so unnatural... they are testing out limits seeing what americans will let them dosame kids so buried in their smart phones that a grenade could fall right into their laps and they'd try to finish their tweet before throwing it away..
this is just a trial run, just imagine this all across America, i advise you to play close attention to all the tactics being used right now including media blackouts, distractions, misinformation, groups that claim to be working on our behalf possibly to use us.
Black on black crimepoor dude is lost
My nigha got murked in front of his moms and i doubt any of yall even noticed the shyt on the news
IG thatnighapacman @ThatNighaPacMan · 1m
All you say is dam and keep it movin , think about it , yall dont know them no more than mike brown
IG thatnighapacman @ThatNighaPacMan · 2m
Yeah they were cops and all but shyt yall dont protest when a nigha from the hood blast somebody
The only thing they doing in nj right now is having a moment of silenceCheck to see if you're city is havin marches or anything in the next few days breh. Best belive I'm headed to oakland when they decide to do it. My hometown will ride for sure
If they see other cities marching the other local news stations got no choice but to put it on TV. Right now they can get away with not showing too much since it's only one city
im trying hard not to let the internet beat me, i swear brehs
man these "i don't care" comments from black kids bug me more than anything... like i don't even flinch at retarded racist comments, but people saying they don't care when this shyt is going to be in their neighborhood within 3 years? mannnn america is fukked.
"I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves."man these "i don't care" comments from black kids bug me more than anything... like i don't even flinch at retarded racist comments, but people saying they don't care when this shyt is going to be in their neighborhood within 3 years? mannnn america is fukked.
man these "i don't care" comments from black kids bug me more than anything... like i don't even flinch at retarded racist comments, but people saying they don't care when this shyt is going to be in their neighborhood within 3 years? mannnn america is fukked.