we need to invent new ways to fuc with these cacs...marching, protests, and rioting have all been proven to be ineffective and if you can even argue that they want us to riot so they can bust heads and justify being violent and paint us as animals in the media.
Boycotting is probably one of the most powerful tools since money talks... but I don't really see it being a factor in this case. Let's put our heads together (no homo) and come up with some new methods that will fuc up the natural order of things.
For instance, A large scale protest and blockage on any major freeway during morning commute hours would fukk up a lot of things and cause chaos for everyone in that immediate area. The local (and maybe national) media would have to cover that and u kill 2 birds with one stone. We gotta start protesting where our voice is heard! Apparently they don't care about what goes in our neighborhoods, so bring it to the source!