Every black person complaining about
Barack Obama;
This isn't about his "blackness"
This isn't about his "legacy"
This isn't about "he's not doin' enough"
This is about two numbers; 96%, 93%
Those are the 2008, 2012 percentages of the black vote Obama was "awarded"
We showed him, at the polls, he's done more than enough for us
There's no reason for him to step on the toes of those constituencies he had to work to get their votes, to help us
Granted, this is an American issue, but, we have to shore up our political power. Also, this voting exclusively Democrat, has got to go.
@Napoleon is basically spammin', he right about something; you can't expect politicians to be altruistic
They only care about votes and lobbyist (money)
No matter how these protest turn out, we need to examine this particular shortcomings
I'm just happy the Ferguson citizens have been able to continue to keep some media attention on them
The internets wins, on this one