Notes from interview with the mom on the radio station
- the police refusing to give her information
-said police are not in touch with people from the hood they policing
- they went straight for the kill , no club or tazer
-licence to carry does not mean license to kill
- said the police treated her like her son was the one who did something
- white cop gave her the middle finger (county police) when she asked for information
- wouldn't let her look at her son before they took him off
- when they put him the truck to take him and she asked to see her dead son, they told her "go calm down"
-they left his body laying in the street for 4 and half hours
- they spoke with people workin at "quicktrip" (gas sation/shop) DID NOT call the police
-they've been told by witness he had his hands up even AFTER they shot him
- channel 5 news ( a local station) LIED and reported that he had a weapon him
*station just cut off for me after this, I will update if and when it does come back on *