Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


Young, Gifted, and Black
Aug 10, 2014
To anyone who believes it was the CIA or whatever:

IN SUMMARY:- I have 15,000,000.00 (fifteen million) U.S. Dollars and I want you to assist me in distributing the money to charity organizations. I agree to reward you with part of the money for your assistance, kindness and participation in this Godly project. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind but please consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility.

I am Mr Peter Attah and I am a 55 years old man. I am a South African living in the Garden City of Port Harcourt - Nigeria. I was the President/CEO of TOMOBA OIL LIMITED - an oil servicing comapny in Port Harcourt. I was also married with two children. My wife and two children died in a car accident six years ago. Before this happened my business and concern for making money was all I was living for and I never really cared about other people.

But since the loss of my family, I have found a new desire to assist the helpless. I have been helping orphans in orphanages/motherless homes.I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, Ethiopia, Cameroon,Spain,Austria,Germany and some Asian countries.

Before I became ill, I kept $15 Million in a long-term deposit account in Allied Bank PLC. Presently, I am in the hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for oesophageal cancer and my doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations. Because my relatives and friends has plundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them.

Please, I beg you in the name of God to help me collect the $15 Million and the interest accrued on the deposit from Allied Bank and distributes it amongst charity organizations.

You are at liberty to use your discretion to distribute the money and feel free as well to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any expenses you incur in the course of collecting and distributing the money to charity organizations. I am willing to reward you for your assistance and kindness.

Kindly expedite action and contact me via e-mail: peterattah2007@yahoo.co.uk if this proposal is acceptable to you.

May the good Lord bless you and your family.

Best Regards,
Mr Peter Attah

This nikka is in Africa but has a UK email address?


May 13, 2012
:comeon: Again, nikkas are on this 'cops need to wear cameras' shyt

For what?
For what? :dwillhuh:

Wearing a Badge, and a Video Camera

the department over all had an 88 percent decline in the number of complaints filed against officers, compared with the 12 months before the study

police officers also used force nearly 60 percent less often

When force was used, it was twice as likely to have been applied by the officers who weren’t wearing cameras during that shift, the study found


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
How much $$$$ is the local economy losing? Police going to do this everyday until the protest stop, but the protest don't stop until the cop is identified. What breaks the loop? This is some Elysium/ FEMA camp type shyt over a local officer...we don't even do this for top ranked spies :mindblown:

If the protestors did buck back, would they really commit genocide? That would fukk up American foreign relations UP and make US geopolitics more rigid.

What is the end-game? I knew the West was declining but this fast :mindblown:
May 15, 2012
How much $$$$ is the local economy losing? Police going to do this everyday until the protest stop, but the protest don't stop until the cop is identified. What breaks the loop? This is some Elysium/ FEMA camp type shyt over a local officer...we don't even do this for top ranked spies :mindblown:

If the protestors did buck back, would they really commit genocide? That would fukk up American foreign relations UP and make US geopolitics more rigid.

What is the end-game? I knew the West was declining but this fast :mindblown:

You know what the end game is

these are the beginning stages of the fall of america

prepare for dictatorship, I hope you know how to grow your own food and make your own bullets

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department

FERGUSON, Mo. (KMOV.com) – Another witness to the shooting of Michael Brown, Jr. spoke to News 4 Wednesday.

Tiffany Mitchell, 27, said she did not see what led up to the shooting, but said she arrived right before the fatal shots were fired.

"As I was coming around, I heard the tires squeaking on the truck, and as I get closer, I see them tussling through the window. The kid was pulling off and the cop was pulling in," Mitchell said.

Mitchell told News 4 she saw a door close on a police car. An officer was inside and Brown, Jr. was on the outside. She said the two were arm wrestling through the car window. Mitchell said she then tried to pull out her phone to record. Shots then rang out.

"It just didn't look right for them to be arm wrestling," Mitchell said. "The first gun shot came from the window, so I just started getting out of the way."

According to Mitchell, Brown, Jr, began to run away after the first shot was fired.

"After the shot, the kid just breaks away. The cop follows him, kept shooting, the kid's body jerked as if he was hit. After his body jerked he turns around, puts his hands up, and the cop continues to walk up on him and continues to shoot until he goes all the way down," Mitchell said.

This is devastating to read...I can barely find the words to describe how this makes me feel. The cop executed Mike Brown like an animal and I feel like lashing out right now.

And for as angry as I am now...I can never be anywhere close to the actual family and friends. I am absolutely heartbroken for them. I can't comprehend how they felt/will feel when they watch that video and hear that girl's description of their son's murder.

The strength of these families...I can do nothing but salute them. All of them. All they ask for is justice and transparency. I don't know if I could be so noble.If something like this happened to one of my family members...I don't understand how so many couples continue to soldier with class and clarity.

His hands were up.

He was already shot multiple times.

He was unarmed.

And the officer executed him....like an animal.

The kind of hatred that should only be reserved for the worst of all peoples....and even then...we (As a global, human society) have often shown fairness if not compassion to the worst of peoples. Even Nazi's were given trials. We capture prisoners of war in put them in camps. But a young black male can't walk down the street and expect even the SMALLEST amount of human respect. We can't even expect the most basic of rights.

In the face of this level of hatred...in the face of very dangerous people who have shown that they cannot muster even the smallest sense of empathy for blacks....we have no option but to arm ourselves and begin to protect our communities. If we go down...I hope we take the fukking country down with us. fukk it all to hell.

God damn...the kid had his entire life ahead of him.