This country does not play moral police, a thousand kids have just been slaughtered in Gaza over the last few weeks.
The kids were slaughtered by Israel with weapons given to them by taxpayer dollars.
George Zimmerman is still walking the street......where is the gangster shyt.....where was Trayvon's revenge?
^ How is Looting Weave shops which are black or Chinese owned going to bring justice to the Michael Brown and his family?
I'm really confused here....
Yes, Amerca does play moral police, but you had to use the worst possible example. You and I both know Israel is balls deep in Americas pockets so you know they're going to turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the IDF.
And do you know what the rioting did? It brought attention to this matter. Had those people just sat there and protested, they would've just covered it up by now and we all would've kept it moving. Want an example... Look at the Renisha McBride thread. Look at how very little replies that got compared to this thread. I didn't even post in there until he was found guilty. And when he was, that shyt was barely on the news.