Posting this pic again just because............does anyone have a bigger/ higher quality version of this image?
Didn't even drop a single chip outta his bag either!! So proud!!!....
Posting this pic again just because............does anyone have a bigger/ higher quality version of this image?
I mean, he was ratting on the Mob.
we have a almost 400 page thread on this, which I am sure is the largest discussion going on online and this radio station mentioned other sites but not us
What station are you listening too?
What's the situation on the ground right now? Is there still a no-fly zone? If the situation is escalating I would advice coil members that live in Ferguson to BE very careful and mindful what is going on. It is my uneducated opinion that the government is treating this riot like a bacterial epemdemic and preventing a spread. First is containment, then isolation/quarrentine, removal of infected patients, and finally treatment. If I lived in that town I would be very mindful of communications and where I'm seen. Removal would be massive legal actions and arrests. The looting has given them more than ample reason to engage in such actions. I urge everyone in the area, no violence or they will find and arrest you as a means of "quarrentine".
This is my intuition telling me this, I could wrong but I would be mindful of my actions and communications right now.
Why you not calling mike brown friend a snitch? His in TV saying he wants to talk to the Feds
1380 woak, Atlanta
He says he wants to talk to the FedsFeds
He says he wants to talk to the FedsFeds
Posting this pic again just because............does anyone have a bigger/ higher quality version of this image?