Mossberg 500, AR 15 and a pistol, preferably gloc 17, should be first priority purchases in every black home in the world.
A scope on his shotgun. Why put a scope on a shotgun unless you're shooting slugs but damn, isnt that what the rifle is for, for long range attacking. Use the shotty to clear rooms, use the gloc when you need to get to the shotty or run out of bullets, and use the AR for crowd control, long distance engagements or ambushing.This is my boy's EXACT setup , got a scope on his Mossberg too, but he's Hispanic.
I didn't because given the current events I rather have fruitful discourse.
I admire MLK for fighting for poor people.
I understand that ppl have issues with modern integration, but, MLK made it so we could see that reality.
We must in improve it.
Look, I understand; I'm sad that Jackie Robinson got to play in the big leagues, but, it destroyed the Negro Leagues. I understand.
Good Lord his c00ndar is incredible.Can't even Fit them all on 2 screen caps
Can't even Fit them all on 2 screen caps
They're like, they gotta go to work in the morning, wait it out.looks like the crowds have died down
maybe this:@scrilla what's going down tomorrow?
The swiss have a saying about what it would be like going to war with them. Every citizen would come out of their home with a rifle, fire one shot at the border and the war would be over.Very plausible. At least you dropping answers and giving advice.
I know and undastand why da family of Mike Brown is callin for peace n all dat...but I'm so fukkin sick n tied of dis kumbuya bullshyt.
Everybody else is playin da game wit a full deck, aces up their sleeves, and cheat codes...and yet we always handicap ourselves eam more by trynna play "fair" i.e. turning da other cheek, gentle protests,etc.
When are we gonna wake da fukk up?