Bruh, read up on the economics of Black people. Then, take a quick look at the way other successful groups run, themselves.
Money is definitely the problem.
#1 reason I don't like (and I'm not accusing u of this) the notion that Christianity/Religion is holding us back is; the Bible isn't teaching us to devalue monetary gain. It isn't teaching us to spend on vain pursues.
The "c00n" train stuff makes me sick, but, that answers my questions about how much the NAACP is doin' fo us.
Three high powered rifles, brehs, three?
I totally agree. But, neither is Barack Obama.
Black ppl are at the end of his list, because we gave away our vote, twice.
If a homosexual was shot by police, or a woman, he wouldn't worry about backlash.
But, I won't blame him for that. He's a politician, we should have actually held him to some type of standard and made him work for that 96% and 93% percent of our vote.

Makes me sick to recount those numbers...
And our "leaders"...
The system will not change, though. Anybody can get swayed to "come around" to the status quo.