Movie Quote Guy
And also for the record, I have not committed any mass killings, blown up any buildings or planes, nor have I aided in said acts. Don't call someone out for "headline statements" and then proceed to call someone what is definitively the most overused and politicized buzzword of the 21st century.
As for your first sentence, it is immaterial whether you have or have not done any of those acts. You still appear to applaud the efforts of those who seek out the deaths of innocents because they happen to be affiliated with a group that they hate. As far as that is concerned, your thoughts fall in line with much of the same put forth by militant groups seeking political gains through terroristic acts. My point was that your thoughts on this tragic event are compatible with the aforementioned group. That is different than stating in blanket fashion that "only real terrorists are the ones wearing the badges." Again, the evidence favors my argument over what you are throwing out as a deflection. Why I have to explain any of this is baffling. However, I do agree that this would be a good time for you to back down.