Ferguson police execute an unarmed 17 yr old boy (Update: Ferguson police chief to resign 3/19)


May 13, 2012

Wow, from my experience in retail not even workers were allowed to hem up an alleged "thief" (unless you were loss prevention or security) until the cops arrive (cause you could get charged or fired), let alone random rednecks.

I see only the black guy got arrested though:mjpls:

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
FSU withdraws Brian Bell's offer

Florida State has withdrawn a scholarship offer to Valdosta (Ga.) Lowndes High School linebacker Brian Bell, who was named in a wrongful death civil suit involving a classmate who was found dead in the school in 2013.

Bell, who committed to the Seminoles after receiving a scholarship offer in January 2014, won't sign with another school on Wednesday, according to his attorney, Brice Ladson of Savannah, Georgia.

"Certainly, we hope he will sign with someone before the process is over," Ladson said. "There is no one else that we can speak of at this time."

Last month, the parents of Kendrick Johnson filed a $100 million lawsuit against 38 defendants, including Bell, his brother and their father, Richard Bell, an FBI agent. Johnson, 17, was found dead inside a rolled-up gym mat in the Lowndes County High gym on Jan. 10, 2013.

Brian Bell and his brother have not been charged with a crime.

The Lowndes County Sheriff's Office ruled Johnson's death a freak accident, saying he fell into the upright mat while trying to retrieve atennis shoe and suffocated. An autopsy conducted by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation confirmed the sheriff's department's cause of death.

Over the past two years, Johnson's parents and their attorney, Benjamin Crump of Tallahassee, Florida, have alleged that he was murdered. They had Johnson's body exhumed to conduct an independent autopsy, and a private pathologist concluded that he died of blunt force trauma to the neck. The pathologist also discovered that Johnson's organs had been removed and his body was stuffed with newspapers.

The civil suit alleges that after Richard Bell encouraged his sons to attack Johnson, a female classmate lured him into the gym, where the two brothers fatally beat him and placed his body in the gym mat.

The civil suit, filed in DeKalb County (Ga.) Superior Court on Jan. 12 on behalf of Kenneth and Jacquelyn Johnson, also accused several officials from the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, Valdosta Police Department, Lowndes County Sheriff's Department and Lowndes County School District of conspiring to cover up Kendrick Johnson's murder.

U.S. Attorney Michael Moore opened a federal investigation into the case, which remains open more than a year later.

"The absurdity of this situation is just hard to overstate," Ladson said. "This young man did nothing. There is no possibility he had anything to do with the tragic death of this young man. Yet, [the Johnson] family has not accepted that and believes someone killed him. They decided to pick on this young man. It's just a real tragedy -- all the way around."

The family had previously filed civil suits against the Lowndes County Sheriff's Office, Lowndes County School District and the funeral home that handled their son's remains.

In September, Richard Bell and his wife, Karen, filed a $5 million defamation suit against Ebony Magazine and Frederic Rosen, a freelance writer, who wrote a series of articles entitled "Who Killed Kendrick Johnson."

Ladson said Bell, his parents and a group of supporters from Valdosta met with FSU president John Thrasher and other university officials in Tallahassee last week.

Lowndes County High coach Randy McPherson released a statement Wednesday morning: "Last Wednesday morning CoachJimbo Fisher told me that the FSU Athletic Director and the President would not let him give Brian Bell a scholarship. We went to meet with the FSU President the next day. The next morning, Jimbo called me and told me that they still were not going to let him give Brian a scholarship."

McPherson didn't immediately return a phone call on Wednesday.

Fisher declined comment when asked about Bell's situation on Wednesday. An FSU spokesman didn't immediately respond to email.

"This young man's potential football career has been endangered," Ladson said. "Obviously, by a situation from beyond his control, in which he's completely innocent."

Bell, 6-foot-2 and 215 pounds, was ranked the No. 28 outside linebacker in the country and the No. 49 prospect in Georgia by ESPN RecruitingNation. He also had scholarship offers from Cincinnati and Louisville, and was being recruited by Clemson and Georgia Tech before he committed to FSU.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
BREAKING | Oakland: Emeryville officers shoot, kill black woman who police say was armed | Mercury News


Update: The victim has been it identified as Yvette Henderson. Find updates here on Twitter.

OAKLAND — Emeryville police shot and killed a woman who authorities said was armed after a store owner called police to report a theft Tuesday afternoon.

Police were called to a store on the 3800 block of Hollis Street around 12:35 p.m. A shopkeeper reported a ‘combative’ theft suspect, then called back while police were still en route to say that the woman had left the scene and was armed. The two officers found her in the area of 34th Street and Hollis Street, where they confronted the suspect and shot her.Police said they recovered an unspecified type of firearm at the scene.

Police would not immediately say if one or both officers fired on the suspect, how many shots they fired, or if the woman drew her weapon or fired on the officers. The woman, who has not been identified, died at the scene.

No one else was injured.

Russ Whitehead, of Oakland, said he was pulling his car into a storage facility on Hollis Street when he heard a woman screaming, and police yelling commands at her. He dove to the floor of his car as he heard six or seven shots, breaking out his windows.”It was so fast. She apparently came right up to my car, then the screaming started,” he said. “Then bam, bam, bam, bam.

"There’s usually not bullets passing six inches from my nose. I was a little shaken."

Anotherwitness said that the woman did not appear to be armed as she tried to flag down a passing bus, which did not stop.

"We (saw) a woman running, holding her purse and waving her hand," said Marilyn Tijerino, who was riding the AC Transit 31 line on her way home. "The girl did not have no gun. She was waving her hands."

A vigil for the woman was planned at the site of the shooting at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The area where she was fatally shot is adjacent to Interstate 580 near a storage unit facility and several businesses.

An Emeryville police spokesperson said that some of the department’s officers wear video cameras, but was unsure if either officer involved in the shooting was wearing a camera at the time.

Because the shooting took place inside Oakland city limits, Oakland police were running their own probe of the shooting; The Emeryville Police Department and the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office were also investigating.

Oakland police spokeswoman Johnna Watson said that investigators were looking for video or still images from surveillance cameras at local businesses.

The Oakland incident was one of two fatal police shootings that took place within a few minutes on Tuesday afternoon. Around 12:40 p.m., Contra Costa Sheriff’s deputies shot and killed a man who they said charged them with a weapon while they were trying to serve him with a restraining order in Antioch.

(Photo Credit: Twitter)
Jun 8, 2012
America after Ferguson and Mike Brown: Have we learned anything or are we just going to forget everything that happened?

36 days into 2015 and cops have already murdered over 100 people in America.

We need to stop lying to ourselves about police. They are all racist and seek to target young black men and women disproportionately. Here in NY every time I see someone pulled over by NYPD 9 times out of 10 they are black. It's even to the point I just avoid driving in certain areas cause they set up shop in predominantly black areas just to arrest people and give them records just cause. It thrives on racial profiling. I hate to think that cops have people scared to go out and even drive but shyt...NYPD scares me and I ain't afraid to admit it. And these are the people that are supposed to protect us? They aren't there to protect us...The are there to protect property and the rich/wealthy from us.

Arianne Martell

"Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"
Jan 22, 2014
House Martell #SnakeGang #Targset
Ferguson, Mo., police begin testing new ‘less-lethal’ attachment for guns

Alternative Ballistics has created a device for police officers that can incapacitate individuals through blunt force trauma rather than through lethal force.

By Richard Leiby February 4
About a month after a white officer fatally shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Mo., the city’s assistant police chief, Al Eickhoff, took to Google and searched under the words “less lethal.”

Eickhoff, a 36-year veteran of Missouri police work, said he was looking for any new device, weapon or ammunition — any alternative to lethal force — that might have prevented a deadly result when Michael Brown and Officer Darren Wilson encountered each other in the noonday heat last August.

Browsing a California company’s Web site, Eickhoff found pictures and videos of an odd-looking, blaze-orange device docked on a normal handgun barrel. When a bullet fired, it melded with an attached projectile the size of a ping-pong ball that flew with enough force to knock a person down, maybe break some ribs, but not kill him, the product’s makers said — even at close range.

Its name: the Alternative.

This week, five Ferguson police instructors will train to use the device; the department plans to introduce it to the entire force of 55 officers.


Alternative Ballistics chief executive Christian Ellis stands next to a target, right, at which he fired the Alternative, which attaches to a handgun and creates a “less-lethal” projectile. Standard bullets were fired at the other target. (Earnie Grafton/For The Washington Post)

Attracting ardent fans and just-as-fierce critics, the Alternative is the latest in a growing inventory of less-than-lethal police weapons — including the Taser, bean-bag-loaded shotguns, pepper-filled pellets, rubber-coated bullets and stun grenades — that officers reach for in various situations to minimize the chances of killing people.

The difference is that the Alternative is meant for exactly that time when officers decide, often in a split second, that they must shoot someone to protect themselves or others.

“It gives another option,” Eickhoff said of the device, which he later tested for himself. “I really liked it. . . . You are always looking to save a life, not take a life.”:stopitslime:

But others consider the product dangerous because officers must take time — if only a few seconds — to remove it from their belts and affix it to a service weapon. That “exposes police officers to greater risk” and “turns policy on its head,” said Steve Ijames, a former Springfield, Mo., police major and training expert.

“I am all about less lethal,” he said. “What bothers me is we will allow an officer to face immediate deadly jeopardy with a less-lethal round. Deadly force is the most likely thing to repel deadly force.”

Post-Ferguson, the issue is particularly fraught. Critics have accused law enforcement agencies of inflicting casual brutality and needless death on minority communities. “Black lives matter” protests erupted after a grand jury declined to charge Wilson in Brown’s death and another grand jury, in Staten Island, did not indict the New York City police officer who put Eric Garner in a fatal chokehold.

Then there was the harrowing surveillance video from Cleveland of a 12-year-old African American boy, Tamir Rice, who was one moment nonchalantly playing with a pellet gun, the next moment shot dead by police.

Civil unrest catapulted deadly force onto the agenda of President Obama’s new task force on police practices, created to help shore up public trust in the criminal justice system. But nobody can say how widespread police-involved deaths are in the United States because police departments are not required to report that data to the Justice Department.

“The troubling reality is that we lack the ability right now to comprehensively track the number of incidents of either uses of force directed at police officers or uses of force by police,” Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said last month. “This strikes many — including me — as unacceptable.”

Police officials are quick to point out that the vast majority of officers would prefer to never have to shoot anyone. But juries almost always side with the judgments of those who enforce the law; if officers reasonably believe that they or others are in imminent danger of death or serious bodily harm, they are generally justified to shoot to kill.

That applies even if the suspect’s gun was a replica or a mirage, a glint of light or a shadow, or if that now-bullet-riddled unarmed person was just reaching for his or her identification. It applies when a desperate character is waving a loaded gun, inviting “suicide by cop” — or just brandishing a big tree branch while marching on an officer.

Christian Ellis, the chief executive of Alternative Ballistics, said he started his small company near San Diego to perfect a device to stop needless citizen deaths in just such episodes. The rough concept was developed several years ago by a retired sheriff’s officer from whom Ellis said he bought the patent.

“Ask a police officer what are the options when lethal force is justified, and he’ll say, ‘I have my gun and my bullets,’ ” said Ellis, 32, who recently began marketing the Alternative in the United States and abroad. He calls it “an air bag for a bullet.”

Actually, it’s a bulbous metal alloy bullet-capture device that travels up to 250 feet per second (when propelled by a 9mm slug) and sends “a shock wave of pain through the suspect” when it hits, Ellis said. Effective to a range of 30 feet, the Alternative incapacitates a person but would very rarely penetrate the skin, he said, citing ballistics tests using leather chamois, foam and gel to simulate the human body. All tests were conducted at a range of five feet from muzzle to target.

Ellis invited Rep. Duncan D. Hunter (R-Calif.) to a shooting range for a demonstration of the device. The congressman, whose district includes San Diego, came away impressed after he fired a gun equipped with the Alternative.

Last month, Hunter, an Iraq war veteran, sent letters to three federal law-enforcement agencies urging them to give “close consideration” to less-lethal bullet-capture devices that dock with a weapon. He did not specifically name the Alternative, but there appears to be nothing else fitting that description on the market.

Versions of the Alternative can be readily affixed to standard-issue Glock and Sig Sauer pistols, but for now, no one knows how officers would perform with it under real-life stress. And no human being has been shot with it, Ellis said.

The device captures the first bullet only; the next round chambered is a regular one — that is, lethal — so if the Alternative should fail to stop its target, the second slug could be discharged.

Some bloggers and gun enthusiasts have excoriated Ellis’s product; one labeled it “terrifying,” the worst less-lethal force idea ever. They have gleefully taken note that the business end of the Alternative resembles a clown’s nose.

“The Bozo Bullet,” one critic called it.

“I get this all the time from police until they see it and shoot it,” Ellis said. “I’ve yet to have one agency or person anywhere in the world who has shot it and not instantly believed in its value.” He said the device should never be an option when officers feel that they or those around them are immediately imperiled; then lethal force is obviously required.

“There’s always this understandable tendency to find any kind of weapons that will cause the least amount of harm to avoid deadly force,” said Chuck Wexler of the Police Executive Research Forum, who submitted testimony on the topic last week to the presidential task force. He was unfamiliar with the Alternative, but he noted that other supposedly less-lethal approaches, such as the Taser, can still cause severe injury or death.

“The intentions are good here,” Wexler said. “The problem is when the technology gets too far out and advanced and there are not policies or guidelines.”

Eickhoff had been on the job in Ferguson for just six days before Michael Brown was shot. The world would soon after come to know “Ferguson” as shorthand for police brutality, racism and riots — bad PR that has tarred the force, deservedly or not, to this day.

So far, the Ferguson police department is the only domestic police agency that has decided to train with the Alternative. Its use must be approved by city officials. The units cost $45 each.

“Hopefully we can get it on the streets soon,” Eickhoff said. “Is it going to work every time? Probably not . . . it’s not a catch-all. Every situation is different. But it gives an officer, if time allows — and that’s important, if time allows — a chance to save a life instead of taking a life.”

Question: Could this thing have saved Brown? After a ruminative pause, Eickhoff offered that if Wilson’s fusillade of gunfire didn’t stop Brown, it’s not likely that a single-shot blunt-force projectile would have. “You could still shoot him with this round,” the assistant police chief said, “and he could still get up and come at you.”:camby:

There is a video on the link demonstrating how "the alternative" works...for whatever reason I couldn't embed the video...


Dragonfly Jones

Siiiiiiiilence Punk!!
Dec 11, 2014
KungFu Fighting & kicks that are fast as Lightning
to me it sounds like the simple solution would be to take the frikkin guns away from cops like they do in other more sophisticated countries like UK, Canada and Australia

but before we do that we must first get the guns out of the hands of citizens

this isn't going to stop anytime soon brehs

How can america be considered so great when it's totally fukked up in reality?

Kids graduating college with hundreds of thousands in debt and still can't find a job

u can't go to the hospital if u don't have any money

50% of U.S citizens living below the poverty line

Backward ass religious right throwing stones in the way of scientific progress every chance they get

Pay hundreds of millions to help rebuild Japan's economy after bombing them but won't give the very people who built this country and worked until they died for FREE a damn cent.

list goes on, be proud to be an American brehs


loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Letters to Trayvon is a social media campaign designed to flood the internet with positive images of Black men and boys.

It begins Thursday, February 26, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. (the time Trayvon was pronounced dead), via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The campaign ends Saturday, February 28, 2015, at 7:30 p.m.

Also for followers in the Philadelphia area:

On Saturday, February 28, 2015, there will be an art exhibit and a discussion with Tracy Martin, Trayvon’s father at Arcadia University. This event will feature the Letters to Trayvon Exhibit, community leaders, special guests, and will display the work of black male visual artists.

Letters to Our Brothers is a citywide letter writing contest for high school students. Students in grades 9-12 will write letters expressing how they felt when they heard about the death of Trayvon Martin. Three letters will be chosen and the winners will read their letter at the 2015 exhibition program.

Click here for more info!

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014

Kevin Davis.

On December 29, 2014 Kevin Davis was living in a one bedroom apartment with his girlfriend of several years where they allowed a co-worker to stay with them. On the evening of December 29th, his co-worker and girlfriend began arguing and during the confrontation, his girlfriend was stabbed by their co-worker.

Kevin Davis called 911 for help.

The Dekalb County Police arrived at the scene unannounced, then proceeded to shoot and kill Kevin’s dog. Kevin who thought that the shooter was the co-worker, grabbed a gun to protect his girlfriend but was met while inside and shot by the police.

Despite arresting the co-worker and the girlfriend telling the police that Kevin was in fact, saving her life, the police arrested Kevin. He was taken to Grady Hospital where his family was denied access to him.

His injuries were too severe. He died alone in police custody.

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
The family of 28-year-old Akai Gurley filed the claim — often a precursor to a lawsuit — against New York City on Thursday. Police have called the shooting, which occurred at a housing project.

The family of an unarmed man shot in the stairwell of a Brooklyn housing project by police has filed a $50 million claim against New York City, often the precursor to a lawsuit.

Kimberley Gallinger, the mother of 28-year-old Akai Gurley’s daughter, filed a claim against the city, the New York Police Department, and the two individual police officers, the Associated Press reported. Another claim was filed against the city’s housing authority.

“The shooting death of Akai by the police was reckless and should not have happened,”Ballinger said at a news conference. “Akai was a great father and a good person who didn’t deserve to die like he did.”

Ballinger is seeking $50 million plus attorney’s fees for Gurley’s death, according to the claim.

Eric Sumberg of the New York City Comptroller’s Office said the claim will be evaluated on its merits. If a settlement is not reached, Ballinger could file a lawsuit.

“This was a tragic incident and the city will review the claim,” the city’s law department said in a statement.

Gurley was shot by Peter Liang, a rookie New York police officer, on Nov. 20 in the dimly lit stairwell of a Brooklyn public housing project. Liang and his partner, also a rookie officer, were patrolling the stairwell. Liang shot Gurley as they both entered a landing.

In the claim, Ballinger’s attorney said the officer acted recklessly by having his handgun drawn in the stairwell without a reason. The claim also alleges the officers contacted union representatives or other individuals before seeking medical aid for Gurley.

Gurley was unarmed and there were no words exchanged between him and the officers, police said.

Police Commissioner William Bratton has called the shooting “an unfortunate accident.”

Brooklyn DA’s Civil Rights Unit Investigating Unarmed Man Fatally Shot By Police


Grand Jury To Hear Case Of Unarmed Man Shot By New York Cop In Stairwell
