Entertain the world while simultaneously being exploited. That's our existence in amerikkka. We gotta change that ourselves. With our free thinking black folks who are woke. Think tanks are needed in starting one with my friends.
Good job cops at keeping your restraint and calmness, I hope you guys stay safe out there in the wild. Be alert for tonight guys and stay true to the shield your brothers are with you, always and forever
That shyt is pissing me the hell off seeing black folks fish for likes and retweets from folks that are basically saying "we'll look into it when ya'll do" aka diversion tactic.
"Why are we mad when cops are killing us, when black teens are killing black teens every day?"
Maybe because it's not a "sexy" story and CNN and co arent covering it. Pretty sure we on this very site for instance talk "chi-raq", Camden, flint, etc in heated debates damn near daily but because these stupid asses don't venture beyond their bubble aka their little newsfeeds and timelines that means nobody is talking about/ "outraged by" what's going on amongst us.
Stephen A Smith said this dumb shyt about "What about they not rioting on black on black crime?" shyt had me![]()
I'm really looking into this...I need something to do after I retire and this may just be worth it...I was going to just get a duplex with the Loan but if I can get the right connections and market this may work....Im going to be researching this....thanks for putting me up on that.
Maybe because that's what you're looking for?Of course a pale CAC is going to stand out in a sea of black faces if you're looking for it. I just see a mass of black anger and frustration. Not trying to pick out cacs for conspiracies.
The Taliban outlasted the U.S. occupation and they're taking back their country.
the picture is literally centered on him, but that's not the point. Need more pics of peaceful blacks protesting like this without white people standing next to them ...you don't get how they [the media] play with imagery
That's just scary and irresponsible on his part, I wanna believe dude says this stuff for ratings and attention but he's consistent with that kinda dialogue. To think theres people who really do feel that way, no trolling no fooling around, that's actually how they feel is wild