When's the last time that you heard of someone "robbing the store" with a 2nd person...and they don't run to get home or nothing...they are walking and when the police roll up on them they don't run...the continue to walk in the street. So you confront them about blocking the street and don't see the cigars or notice they fit the description until you drive pass [wasn't you next to them already] and see cigars? So you then reverse and block the street [when you could have done the same by just driving and turning your wheel...giving you space enough to exit the vehicle and place them at gunpoint til your backup got there] and confront only 1...the biggest of the 2 without your backup. Now i know all of this has been said before but what keeps bothering me about it is ... you empty the clip at 1 of your 2 suspects and don't worry about the other shooting or attacking you? Really?